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Marketing & Promoting Strategies Fond du Lac County 4-H By: Marie Stafford.

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1 Marketing & Promoting Strategies Fond du Lac County 4-H By: Marie Stafford

2  County Needs Assessment in 2007  Concern about lack of programs and activities for youth  Need for increased volunteerism  Need for youth to be involved in community service  4-H Programs Can Address Those Needs!  4-H is a youth organization where young people have opportunities to learn leadership, citizenship, and life skills.  4-H Community Clubs are managed by a partnership between adult volunteers and 4-H members.

3  Drop in the Number of 4-H Enrollments  903 members in 2003 vs. 792 members in 2007  4-H Stereotypes or Unawareness  Only for country kids  Only for farm kids  Only learn how to cook and quilt

4  4-H Ambassadors  Youth organization promoting 4-H Action Center at County Fair 4-H Booth at Community Events New Family Class Individual Promotion Projects  Promotions Committee formed in 2009  Adult Leaders Association  Created 4-H Promotion Packet

5  Events  Awareness of National 4-H Week (1 st week in October)  Flag Marathon  4-H Open Houses  School Flyers  3 rd & 4 th graders  ~2,000 families reached

6  Hispanic Youth Programming  Secured grant for a 2 year VISTA worker  Creating sustainable youth programs  4-H Website Reconstruction  Same site for 10 years  Updated look & reorganized information

7  Increase the School Distribution Effort  Create Recruitment Plans for Target Clubs and Communities  Work with Neighboring Counties to Better Serve Border Communities  Expand Ambassador Program & Promotions Committee Efforts

8  4-H Clubs Taking Ownership of Member Recruitment  17 clubs involved in 4-H flag marathon  8 clubs involved in 4-H open house  Sustainable 4-H Community Clubs  Increased Awareness About 4-H  2,000 flyers to families through schools  Brochures distributed to 5 community libraries  Increased Number of 4-H Members  Enrollment numbers remained the same in 2008

9  Increases positive youth development opportunities  Develop Leadership Skills (club officers, project leaders)  Build Life Skills (teamwork, respect, integrity, etc…)  Foster Citizenship (community service activities & involvement in decision making)  Proactive approach for positive youth development  Addresses county needs  Have programs & activities for kids  Increase volunteerism  Develop engaged citizens

10 4-H Pledge I pledge My head to clearer thinking, My heart to greater loyalty, My hands to larger service, and My health to better living, for My club, my community, my country, and my world!

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