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Student: Vlad Hozan Cls. :IX A. 1. What type do you prefer: fast food or cooked food at home? 2. How often do you eat at fast food? 3. How often do you.

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Presentation on theme: "Student: Vlad Hozan Cls. :IX A. 1. What type do you prefer: fast food or cooked food at home? 2. How often do you eat at fast food? 3. How often do you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student: Vlad Hozan Cls. :IX A

2 1. What type do you prefer: fast food or cooked food at home? 2. How often do you eat at fast food? 3. How often do you eat cooked food? 4. What’s your favorite type of food? 5. Do you eat spicy food?

3 Andreea Mihali 1. I prefer cooked food 2. Once a month 3. Every day 4. My favorite type is peas food 5. Yes, very much.

4 Andreea Hozan 1. Both of them 2. Every 2 weeks 3. Daily 4. My favorite is pizza 5. No, I don’t like spicy food

5 Andries Alexandra 1. Fast food 2. Every week 3. Almost every day 4. Shaworma 5. Yes, I eat everything very spicy

6 Bucan Patricia 1. Cooked food 2. Never 3. Every time 4. My favorite is the soup 5. No, I hate spicy food

7 Flonta Alexandra 1. Both of them 2. Every week 3. Every 2 days 4. Lasagna 5. Yes, very much

8 Monea Norbert 1. Fast food 2. Every day 3. Almost never 4. Mc Wrap 5. No

9 Pugna Andrei 1. Cooked food 2. Almost never 3. Every day 4. Rice 5. Yes

10 Mihalas Melisa 1. Fast food 2. Every 2 days 3. Rarely 4. Cheeseburger 5. Yes

11 Nicoara Alin 1. Both of them 2. Once a day 3. Every day 4. Spaghetti 5. Yes

12 Petrut Sonia 1. Cooked Food 2. Never 3. Every day 4. Mashed potatoes 5. No

13 Pascaru Adina 1. Cooked food 2. Once a month 3. Almost every day 4. Beans 5. Yes

14 Andritoi Ana Maria 1. Fast food 2. Every day 3. Rarely 4. French fries 5. No

15 Dan Rafaela 1. Fast food 2. Almost every meal 3. Rarely 4. Hamburger 5. No

16 Nichitoi Anca 1. Fast food 2. Four days of week 3. The rest of the time 4. Shaworma 5. No

17 Varariu Bianca 1. Cooked food 2. Never 3. Every day 4. Forcemeat rolls in cabbage leaves 5. Yes

18 Citiriga Carina 1. Cooked food 2. Once a month 3. Every day 4. Polenta with cheese 5. No

19 Stanomir Razvan 1. Fast food 2. Every day 3. Almost never 4. Kebab 5. Yes

20 Iagar Razvan 1. Fast food 2. Three days a week 3. Rarely 4. Big Mac 5. No

21 Schornic Laurine 1. Cooked food 2. Rarely 3. Almost every day 4. Baked cabbage 5. Yes

22 Eremi Andreea 1. Fast food 2. Almost every day 3. Rarely 4. Mc’ Chicken 5. No

23 Conclusion More than 50% eat at fast food, because it’s more quick and they don’t have to wait so much. 40% eat cooked food, because they don’t like fast food or they have prohibited this type food. Almost 10% eat both of them, or because they don’t have time to eat cooked food or because they just want to eat fast food. 50% of my subjects eat spicy.

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