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CMS Status & Commissioning Menu: 1 Recent Progress Commissioning Prior to and After First Beam Commissioning with first LHC Events Outlook Wolfgang Funk.

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Presentation on theme: "CMS Status & Commissioning Menu: 1 Recent Progress Commissioning Prior to and After First Beam Commissioning with first LHC Events Outlook Wolfgang Funk."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMS Status & Commissioning Menu: 1 Recent Progress Commissioning Prior to and After First Beam Commissioning with first LHC Events Outlook Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat

2 ECAL Si Tracker 3.8T solenoid Muon chambers HCAL 2 CMS: B-field of 3.8T (solenoid) DAQ and trigger (10 9  10 2 events/s) total weight~14.5Ktons, diameter: ~15m, length: ~22m CMS at LHC: Iron yoke LHC: pp collider at E cms =14 TeV Luminosity max = 10 34 cm -2 s -1 1 crossing/25 ns (40MHz) 20 events/crossing  1000 tracks Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat Pixel YB0 YE-1

3 CMS Status in Fall 2008: 3 Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX Beam-pipe: installed in spring 2008 and baked out. Pixel: installed, commissioned and operated. Si Tracker: cabled, commissioned & operated. ECAL: Barrel fully operational, both endcaps installed, commissioned and operated this summer. HCAL: HB/HO/HE fully operational, HF installed this summer. Solenoid: Coil has been tested this Oct. to 3.8T (nominal field) underground. Magnet has been tested already in 2006 on surface. Muon systems: (DT/RPC in barrel, CSC in endcaps) fully operational. (RPC in endcaps) commissioning underway. Level-1 Trigger and DAQ: functional. Software and computing infrastructure: prepared. Final releases for data taking deployed. Preparation for physics: We are ready for beam next year. 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat

4 Lowering YB0 and YE-1: 4 Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat

5 YB0 after Cabling of EB & TK: 5 Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat

6 YB0 after Cabling of EB & TK: 6 Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat

7 Construction of EE: 7 Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat

8 Closure of CMS (-side): 8 Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat

9 9 Si Tracker Commissioning: Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat Nice Landau shape in all subdetectors. S/N measured: 21.1 in TIB 25.6 in TOB 28.3 in TEC (mean over all geometries) operational 98.2% 99.5%

10 10 Pixel Commissioning: Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat Barrel : 99.2% operational (lost 0.3% before, 0.5% after installation). Forward: 94% operational (lost 0% before, 6% after installation). Noise performance is good 66 mega pixels!

11 11 ECAL Commissioning: Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat Energy: 250 GeV ECAL clusters matching µ-tracks 2 GeV EE DT HE HB EB

12 DT µ-Chamber Commissioning: 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat MB1: 271  m MB2: 269  m MB3: 268  m MB4: 274  m Cosmic tracks extrapolated to the surface (CMS coords) Can clearly see the shaft ! linear scale 80m z [ cm] Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 12 Trigger rate during Opening of the plug on top of the shaft

13 First Beam: 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 13 After almost 20 years of design and construction CMS started taking data with LHC beams. Sunday Sept. 7 – Monday Sept. 8: Single shots of Beam 1 (clockwise) onto collimator 150m upstream of CMS. CMS beam monitoring system synchronized to beam timing. Tuesday Sept. 9: 20 shots of Beam 1 onto collimator 150m upstream of CMS. Wednesday Sept. 10 – Friday Sept. 12: Splash events with closed collimators. Halo-µ events once beam went through CMS. Friday Sept. 19: Incident in sector 3-4  Wait for beam in 2009

14 First Events - Closed Collimator: 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 14 ~2.10 9 protons on collimator ~150 m upstream of CMS ECAL- pink; HB,HE - light blue; HO,HF - dark blue; Muon DT - green; Tracker Off >99% of ECAL channels fired With splash events ECAL is now time aligned ~1ns ~180 TeV deposited in EB+EE ~1100 TeV deposited in ECAL + HCAL

15 Calorimeters: Closed Collimator 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 15 ECAL Energy Map EB+ EB- EE-EE+ topbottom Beam EE photo-detectors calibration not yet applied (lowest gain at beampipe)

16 Beam Halo Events - CSCs: 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX 16 ME  4ME  3ME  2ME  1 ME+1ME+2ME+3ME+4

17 Outlook: 17 Wolfgang Funk – CERN PH/CMX After almost 20 years of design and construction, CMS has started data taking with LHC beam. First events with LHC beam have been recorded. Last sub-detector (Preshower) in front of EEs will be installed over the winter. Have already assembled with all sub-detectors together ~300M cosmic events with field ~30M cosmic events without field. All sub-detectors have shown that they are working including DAQ, Trigger and Computing. CMS is ready for the exciting physics with LHC which is waiting for us. 10/11/2008-PANIC-Eilat

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