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 Sports marketing is an enormous industry.  It’s easy to identify many sports, but the marketing part is more complicated.  One way to better understand.

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2  Sports marketing is an enormous industry.  It’s easy to identify many sports, but the marketing part is more complicated.  One way to better understand it is to relate sports marketing to what you already know about marketing in general.  The 4 P’s of marketing—product, price, place, promotion—apply to sports goods and services.

3  Product ◦ Details on the specific product. What is it?  Price ◦ Determine how much the product costs.  Place ◦ Now, find out how to obtain the product. Do you visit a stadium or a retail store, or do you go online or call a toll-free number?  Promotion ◦ Think of how you learned about the product. Was it by watching a TV commercial, reading a print ad, receiving a coupon in the mail, or some other promotional technique? Find out who the primary product users are.

4 LeBron X Sneakers VideoVideo

5 Product: Lebron X Shoes Price: Place: Promotion:

6 Olympics VideoVideo

7 Product: Ticket to Track Finals August 11, 2012 Price: $1146.50 per ticket Place: Promotion:

8 Once you’ve put together all these pieces, you have the overall picture of sports marketing.

9 With your partner, read the article “Olympic Athletes and Brands: The Good, The Bad, and the Confusing” and answer the following questions:

10  1. Why is Usian Bolt an ideal candidate for product endorsement?  2. Tell me 3 names that might be the most marketable names for sponsorship and promotional deals from the Summer 2012 Olympics?  3. Why would amateur athletes want to endorse products?  5. So why is Wheaties listed under “The Good” section?  6. What is Wheaties slogan?  7. Who is Mary Lou Retton?  8. What event did Bruce Jenner participate in”  9. Who is Carl Lewis?  10 Why is Puma listed under “The Good” section?  11. Who sponsors the entire Jamaican track team?  12. Puma’s sponsorship of Bolt has helped position the brand how?  13. Why is Subway and Michael Phelps listed with “The Bad”?  14. What does it mean Phelps has overexposure?  15. Why is the message and execution wrong of Phelps and Subway?  16. What does over-saturation mean?  17. List for me 10 athletes and the brands they represent.

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