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BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS: The OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project EU Roadmap to Business and Human Rights, 11 May 2016 Ms. Lene Wendland, OHCHR Advisor.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS: The OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project EU Roadmap to Business and Human Rights, 11 May 2016 Ms. Lene Wendland, OHCHR Advisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS: The OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project EU Roadmap to Business and Human Rights, 11 May 2016 Ms. Lene Wendland, OHCHR Advisor on Business and Human Rights; Head, Business and Human Rights Team

2 The OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project  Launched in November 2014  Aim: to contribute to better implementation of Access to Remedy provisions (Pillar III) of the UN Guiding Principles  Human Rights Council mandate (Res 26/22)  Six separate but interrelated work-streams aimed at addressing legal, practical and financial barriers  Consultations on draft guidance took place in November 2015 and Feb-March 2016  Final report to be presented to the Human Rights Council in June 2016

3 Guidance to States to strengthen accountability and access to remedy  Guidance to States in the form of a series of policy objectives plus “elements” showing ways that the objectives can be met  Designed to be flexible and adaptable to different legal traditions, structures and needs  Draws upon “good State practice” identified in the course of research  Covers both public and private enforcement  Final report complemented by additional online resources with illustrative examples to aid implementation

4 Financial barriers  ARP work-stream devoted to financial obstacles, identified as a significant hurdle to private claims in all jurisdictions  Two key issues:  Access to sources of funding (public and private sources)  Legal and court costs (lawyers´ fees and court costs)  Guidance addresses:  Diversifying sources of funding for claimants  Reducing court costs (e.g. through technologies, improvements to efficiency)

5 Evidential barriers  Challenges with respect to evidence-gathering were addressed in two work-streams, i.e.  Supporting the work of domestic enforcement bodies; and  Roles and responsibilities of States in cross-border cases (public and private)  Challenges identified include:  Lack of resources and expertise to carry out investigations into complex corporate structures  Lack of confidence applying corporate liability concepts  Problems are exacerbated in cross-border context (e.g. accessing necessary legal assistance from other jurisdictions in a timely fashion)  Guidance addresses:  Ensuring that prosecutors have access to resources and expertise necessary to investigate allegations quickly and properly  Ensuring that assistance from counterparts in other jurisdictions can be swiftly obtained

6 How could EU member states use and implement the guidance?  Can be implemented through national processes – e.g. national action plans, domestic legal review processes  Can be taken up and acted on in sub-regional, regional or international contexts – e.g. EU strategies on BHR, CSR…  Can be used to strengthen EU-wide cooperation on BHR-related issues – e.g. Joint Investigation Teams Guidance enables states to review and identify practical ways to improve the effectiveness of their legal systems in holding companies to account for abuses and providing remedy

7 Thank you! For more information: remedy-project or > Business > Initiative on Access to Remedy;

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