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EU energy policy & funding Scottish Energy Officers Network Stirling, 28 November 2014 Karen Martín Pérez & Ingrid Green Scotland Europa.

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Presentation on theme: "EU energy policy & funding Scottish Energy Officers Network Stirling, 28 November 2014 Karen Martín Pérez & Ingrid Green Scotland Europa."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU energy policy & funding Scottish Energy Officers Network Stirling, 28 November 2014 Karen Martín Pérez & Ingrid Green Scotland Europa

2 - Who we are Scottish Enterprise Scottish Development International Members (public, private, academic, NGOs) SCOTLAND EUROPA Scotland & Brussels

3 Our members

4 One team – Two locations - Dedicated EU Policy & Funding resources for members and SE/SDI Scotland  Team of EU Funding specialists – strategic EU funding support, project development and compliance  Close collaboration with National Contact Points  Working in partnership with Enterprise Europe Scotland for R&D funding activities Brussels  Experienced staff focusing on EU policy – early warning, interpretation and analysis  Direct links with Commission and other regional and national representations in Brussels  Engagement with EU networks and associations e.g.. EURADA and ERRIN

5 Networking Scotland in the EU Maximising Scotland’s economic advantage in the EU Low carbon & Circular economy Innovation & Enterprise Regional & Skills SCOTLAND EUROPA Capacity Building Networking & Promotion Scotland House Management EU Policy & Influencing EU Funding

6 Our focus areas Low carbon Environment, Eco-innovation and resource efficiency Energy efficiency, Renewables Climate change Sustainable transport Innovation and Enterprise Research and Development, Innovation policy Scotland’s key sectors; e.g. Financial services, Tourism, Life sciences, Key enabling technologies SMEs, Entrepreneurship, Internationalisation Regional and Skills Regional development, Rural affairs Employment, Skills and Social affairs Education and Creativity

7 EU groups of interest for LAs

8 EU energy & climate policy context Focus on cross-cutting challenges:  20% emissions cut  20% renewables  10% renewable fuels  20% energy efficiency  40% emissions reduction  27% renewables  27% energy efficiency  15% interconnections From 2020...To 2030 Active consumer Socio-economic issues Secure, affordable, clean supply System optimisationEnergy efficiency

9 Research, Development Innovation Growth, Jobs and Social Cohesion Infrastructure European Structural and Investment Funds – UK Partnership Agreement; Scottish Operational Programmes Competitiveness & SMEs (COSME) Connecting Europe Facility Employment & Social Innovation Creative Europe Erasmus+ Regional/National ProgrammesEU-level Programme Horizon 2020 Environment & Climate action LIFE+ 2014-2020 EU Funding programmes

10  €79 billion over 7 years  Coupling research to innovation – all forms of innovation – from blue sky to market transformation  Innovative at European level  Focus on multidisciplinary societal challenges facing EU society  Simplified access for companies, universities, institutes  Collaborative in majority of cases  Cost sharing (no profit)  Largely Commission-defined priorities, but more flexible design Horizon 2020 – EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation Societal Challenges 1.Health, demography & wellbeing 2.Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine & maritime, bio- economy 3.Secure, clean and efficient energy 4.Smart green transport 5.Climate, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials 6.Inclusive & reflective societies 7.Secure societies Industrial Leadership Leadership in enabling & industrial technologies (ICT, KETs, space) Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Excellent Science Frontier Research (ERC) Future & Emerging Technologies Skills and Career Development (Marie Curie) Research Infrastructures

11 Cross-cutting solutions: Smart cities & communities  European Innovation Partnership – challenge driven, cross sector partnership at regional, national & EU level  Integration of ICT, transport and energy sectors  Stakeholder platform – “Market place”  Commercial scale demonstration “lighthouse projects”  Horizon 2020 funding support (c. €100 mn in 2014/15) Sustainable Districts and Built Environment Sustainable Urban Transport Policy & Regulations / Integrated planning Integrated infrastructure & processes (inc. Open Data) Citizen focus Business models

12 Other Horizon 2020 Energy Opportunities E NERGY EFFICIENCY  Aggregated energy efficiency schemes  Buildings – deep renovation  Capacity building – public authorities, energy planning  Stakeholder engagement – energy planning  Consumer engagement for sustainable energy  Heating & cooling – removing market barriers  Product efficiency – implementing legislation  Energy efficiency in industry  Large buyer groups  Improving financeability  Innovative energy services  Innovative finance schemes  Demand response in buildings  ICT for energy efficiency  District heating & cooling L OW CARBON ENERGY  Demonstration – renewable, heat/cooling tech  Market uptake – renewable, heat/cooling tech  Demo – advanced biofuel  Modelling energy system & impacts  Coordination of national R&D  Meshed offshore grids  Transmission grid & wholesale market  Large scale energy storage  Bioenergy – market uptake  Joint demo of innovative energy solutions  Measuring energy impact of ICT sector SME S  Innovation in SMEs for a low carbon energy system

13 Connecting Europe Facility  Funding programme for projects of common interest in relation to Trans- European Networks for transport, digital and energy infrastructure  Budget 2014-2020 €33 billion, of which 10% for financial instruments  Funding mechanism of last resort, where market reliance or regulatory adjustments cannot achieve expected result  Financial instruments can include:  Equity/risk capital to infrastructure projects or venture capital to SMEs with high growth potential  Guarantees to financial intermediaries that provide lending to infrastructure projects  Other risk-sharing arrangements with financial intermediaries in order to increase the leverage capacity of the EU funds in infrastructure projects and infrastructure RDI  A combination of the above with other forms of EU financial assistance (e.g. grants)

14 Competitiveness Innovation & Jobs  Business Competitiveness  Innovation  Developing Scotland’s Workforce  Scotland’s 8 th City – Smart City  Next Generation Broadband Environment, Low Carbon & Resource Efficiency  Low Carbon travel & transport  Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Development  Resource Efficient Circular Economy Accelerator  Green Infrastructure Possible use of FEIs at later date Local Development & Social Inclusion  Enhanced Employability Pipeline  Poverty & Social Inclusion measures No FEIs planned Financial Engineering Initiative: Business Competitiveness & Innovation Scottish Structural Funds Programmes – Strategic Interventions

15 WESTERN SCOTLAND / IRELAND / NORTHERN IRELAND NORTH WEST EUROPENORTH SEA West Coast of Scotland/border regions of Ireland/NI (inc Belfast) Ireland, UK, France, Belgium, Germany & Netherlands Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Flemish Belgium, East UK, Norway and Scottish Western Isles Innovation Environment (€72m)Low CarbonEco-Innovation (€45m) HealthResources and material efficiency (€95m)Climate Change & Environment (€37m) Sustainable Transport EUR 225MEUR 372.28MEUR 156M European Territorial Cooperation (INTERREG) 2014-20 Programmes

16 ATLANTIC AREANORTHERN PERIPHERY AND ARCTICEUROPEURBACT Spain, Portugal, France, Ireland, Sweden, SW/NW UK, inc H&I & SW Scotland Northern Finland, Sweden, Norway & Faroe Isles, Ireland, N Ireland, H&I & D&G All Europe Innovation Policy Delivery Resource Efficiency (€34.5m)EntrepreneurshipCompetitiveness SMEsPolicy Design Climate Change (15m)Energy SecurityLow Carbon EconomyPolicy Implementation Biodiversity & Cultural Assets (27.5m)Cultural and Natural Heritage (€9m) Environment and resource Efficiency Building and Sharing Knowledge EUR 124MEUR 46MEUR 539MEUR 74M European Territorial Cooperation (INTERREG) 2014-20 Programmes

17 EU Funding Portal  Phase I – launched end November 2014 in Beta  Improve Scottish organisations’ knowledge of available EU programmes and support mechanisms  Optimise use of different funds through improved signposting  Provide a facility to capture Scottish activity across funds  Phase II  Capture organisations’ interests, create a referral system, and make connections to other projects  Provide Scottish organisations with a platform to promote their experience  Provide Scottish organisations with a platform to find project partners and list current interests  Provide Scottish organisations with online project collaboration tools A collaboration between Scotland Europa, members and partners Aim – to create a one-stop-shop for funding which will:

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