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Sustainability across the curriculum at KSU and more Vanessa Slinger-Friedman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Geography Geography and Anthropology.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability across the curriculum at KSU and more Vanessa Slinger-Friedman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Geography Geography and Anthropology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability across the curriculum at KSU and more Vanessa Slinger-Friedman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Geography Geography and Anthropology

2 Agenda (1) A little about me (2) Sustainability across the curriculum – in Geography (3) KSU Sustainability Fellows program (4) Q & A

3 (1) A little about me

4 Trinidad and Tobago

5 Master’s work Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil Agroforestry Pole


7 Worldbank Internship Vetiver Grass for soil erosion control D.C. & El Salvador and Mexico


9 Ph.D. work Dominica Ecotourism


11 (2) Sustainability across the curriculum Two main branches of geography Human geography is concerned with the spatial aspects of human existence. Physical geography is concerned with the spatial aspects of the natural world. Fields in which Human Geographers might work? Fields in which Physical Geographers might work? Human Environment Meteorology

12 3 rd branch of geography Human-Environment Interaction Geographers study the linkages between human activity and natural systems (cultural ecology). China Brazil Tanzania Southeast Asia Arctic

13 Human-Environment Interaction Siberia, RussiaSouth east Asia – tsunami 2004 Hurricane Katrina 2005

14 (3) Sustainability Fellowship Responsibilities will fall into at least one of the following areas: 1) engaging students; 2) promoting sustainability events; 3) providing sustainability perspectives for KSU's land use plans 4) developing strategies for greenhouse gas reduction and energy and natural resource conservation at KSU; 5) KSU climate reporting requirements; and 6) recruiting KSU staff and faculty to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

15 Sustainability Fellow Activities Education –part of successful sustainable communities Activities - enrich the students knowledge and experience of sustainability Make students more aware of the issues and applications, but we also want them to have the opportunity to educate the greater KSU student and faculty population

16 Idea: A day of community service at the KSU Hickory Grove Farm – planting trees Objectives: (1) Arbor Day Foundation Tree campus USA certification (2) Student service learning activity (3) KSU Farm eligible to meet its requirements related to its USDA Remineralization Grant

17 Anticipated benefits of this activity: Sound barrier KSU Farm to Campus program Reforestation of a previously degraded area Impact on climate change External recognition: US Green Building Council Green Apply Day of Service Award

18 Idea: Education & Awareness Project Sustainability and campus life Students will conduct research and present projects to showcase on the campus green to the KSU public on America Recycles Day - November 15, 2016. These projects could be adapted from the EPA’s On Campus EcoAmbassadors program: b/html/activities.html b/html/activities.html

19 Idea: Sustainability signage at KSU Georgia Tech

20 Opportunities for students Ecoleader program – National Wildlife Federation - Green Schools Conference and Expo Pittsburgh PA (March 31 – April 1, 2016) -

21 Q & A

22 Sponsors 2M design Consultants Interface The Urban Green Council Sky Promotions LLC Life Cycle Building Center Shaw Contract Group Sustainable Investment Group Captain Planet

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