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Revolution Calling Chapter 4 Section1 Pages 94-98 Chapter 4 Section1 Pages 94-98.

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2 Revolution Calling Chapter 4 Section1 Pages 94-98 Chapter 4 Section1 Pages 94-98

3 Objectives Students will summarize colonial resistance to British attempts at taxation. Students will trace the mounting tension in Massachusetts and how fighting eventually broke out in Concord and Lexington Students will summarize colonial resistance to British attempts at taxation. Students will trace the mounting tension in Massachusetts and how fighting eventually broke out in Concord and Lexington

4 The Stamp Act Direct Tax Placed on goods and services. Special stamp needed for most paper goods. Documents, newspapers, cards. dice Direct Tax Placed on goods and services. Special stamp needed for most paper goods. Documents, newspapers, cards. dice

5 Taxes effected EVERYONE, rich and poor. Respect for Parliament was waning. This naturally led to anger and then protest.

6 Protest In May of 1765 defiance began Sons of Liberty. Samuel Adams S.O.L. began protesting throughout the colonies. Protests so powerful, no stamps were actually sold. In May of 1765 defiance began Sons of Liberty. Samuel Adams S.O.L. began protesting throughout the colonies. Protests so powerful, no stamps were actually sold.


8 Governmental Action Virginia’s political house adopted resolutions against the measure. Patrick Henry a vocal leader. Stamp Act congress, 9 colonies, met in New York City and issue the Declaration of Rights and Grievances.

9 Stated that parliament lacked the power to tax the colonies. They had no representation in parliament, so these taxes were unfair. Are we not subjects too? The colonies are developing a unique political identity.

10 Pressure Boycotts swept through the developing nation. 200 New York merchants stopped importing goods from Britain many in Philadelphia followed suit. It worked! Repealed in March of 1766, yet on the same day they issue the Declaratory Act. States that Parliament could do what they want to the colonies(tax, laws, etc…) Boycotts swept through the developing nation. 200 New York merchants stopped importing goods from Britain many in Philadelphia followed suit. It worked! Repealed in March of 1766, yet on the same day they issue the Declaratory Act. States that Parliament could do what they want to the colonies(tax, laws, etc…)

11 Townshend Acts Charles Townshend was appointed the new Minister. Added indirect taxes on the colonies. Glass, lead, paint, paper and tea had duties placed on them. “taxation without representation” is used now. British are feeding the fire. Charles Townshend was appointed the new Minister. Added indirect taxes on the colonies. Glass, lead, paint, paper and tea had duties placed on them. “taxation without representation” is used now. British are feeding the fire.

12 Women begin protesting and doing without imported products. British agents begin seizing ships, one belonging to John Hancock is taken. Riots, break out, troops are sent into Boston…. Women begin protesting and doing without imported products. British agents begin seizing ships, one belonging to John Hancock is taken. Riots, break out, troops are sent into Boston….

13 Boston Massacre Many troops are stationed in Boston, boredom and taking side jobs which irritates the locals. Tensions rise, on March 5, 1770 we have the Boston Massacre Oddly enough, the situation mellowed after this.

14 A calm before the Storm The Townshend Acts were a loss, so they were repealed in 1772, except for the tea tax. Then a British Customs Schooner is set ablaze and the fire burns again. The accused were to be sent to England for trial which infuriated the colonists prompting the Committees of Correspondence.

15 Boston Tea Party British East India Tea Company was in financial trouble. Parliament agreed to let them sell tea directly to the colonists duty free. Other tea sellers had to pay the tax. December 16th, 1773, the Tea Party takes place in Protest of this act.

16 King George III KG 3 is livid, he institutes the Intolerable Acts. Shut down Boston Harbor Quartering Act General Thomas Gage appointed governor of Mass. Martial Law imposed in Boston Did the punishment work? KG 3 is livid, he institutes the Intolerable Acts. Shut down Boston Harbor Quartering Act General Thomas Gage appointed governor of Mass. Martial Law imposed in Boston Did the punishment work?

17 Lexington and Concord First Continental Congress meets in September of 1774 and made the Declaration of Colonial Rights. Stated that they would use force if necessary. Colonists had been organizing on their own now. General Gage had heard of these activities.

18 Minutemen The British went out to end these drills and confiscate the colonists stockpiles of weapons and ammunition. The first shots are fired as the Boston troops marched toward Lexington.

19 Shot heard ‘round the world 1st round, 8 M.M Killed. After the go to Concord is when it gets rough. British lose many on this trip. 1st round, 8 M.M Killed. After the go to Concord is when it gets rough. British lose many on this trip.

20 Decisions Now What? Peace or War? Can we still negotiate? What happens next…

21 Summary What would you put? Write three entries in your notes Britain is attempting to retain its control over the colonies with laws and taxes. The colonist resist the taxes through organization The crown and parliament counter with more laws allowing for greater reactions by the colonists (political organization) Britain is attempting to retain its control over the colonies with laws and taxes. The colonist resist the taxes through organization The crown and parliament counter with more laws allowing for greater reactions by the colonists (political organization)

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