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Welcome to Designing Your Future GWL3O Mr. Barter.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Designing Your Future GWL3O Mr. Barter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Designing Your Future GWL3O Mr. Barter

2 Today:  Course outline  What will you learn?  Grading  Expectations  Getting to know each other

3 This course is intended to help you look deeper at your lives after school. Whether this includes going to school after you graduate (post secondary) or entering the workforce, your future is your own. In order to get to where you want to be in life, you need to have a plan on how you will get there. Over the semester, you will learn about and start to do just that. Additionally, when making a plan for yourself, you should consider what you want for your future. Maybe you have an idea of what that is already, maybe you don’t have a clue yet. A big part of this course is for you to learn about yourself. This will help you plan a future that makes you happy. Course Description:

4 Unit 1: Preview and Review –This mini unit will help refresh your memory of what you learned in Careers (GLC2O) and give you an idea of what we will be covering throughout the semester. Units of Study: Unit 2: My Profile –This unit will focus on YOU. In this unit you will do a lot of thinking about who you are, what you want and what you want to do with your life. This will require some reflection and thinking about who you really are and who you want to be. Unit 3: What Affects Future Change? –This unit will examine the way the workplace changes over time. In this unit, you will investigate how your future workplace is changing and learn about how to prepare for work in the future Unit 4: What’s Possible? What’s Right for Me? -This unit will shift the focus back to you as you investigate the possibilities of your future and critically think about the best path for you. Unit 5: What’s the Plan? –You will begin to put everything you have learned together in start planning your future, including a plan of how to get to where YOU want to be.

5 Grading: Assignments = 20% Journal Reflections = 10% Unit Projects/Tests = 40% Portfolio Submission/Exam = 30% About 2/month Weekly 4 in total

6 Levels of Achievement: Level 1 (50-59%): Level 2 (60-69%): Level 3 (70-79%): Level 4 (80-100%): Demonstrates limited thinking, application, communication or knowledge/understanding. Demonstrates some thinking, application, communication or knowledge/understanding. Demonstrates considerable thinking, application, communication or knowledge/understanding. Demonstrates thorough thinking, application, communication or knowledge/understanding. DO NOT approach me and ask/demand for more marks or extra assignments. You are given an opportunity to get the grade you want each time you have an assignment.

7 Late Assignments Policy: Late assignments will have 5% deducted off their final grade for each day (including weekends) it is late, up to a total of 30%. When an assignment is six days late, it will only be accepted with a prior agreement with myself. This agreement may include an assignment to makeup for the lateness of the original assignment and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Assignments WILL NOT be accepted later than 1 week prior to exams. It is extremely important that students take responsibility for their actions and take the initiative for any late assignments or any foreseen lateness, by discussing the matter with me as soon as possible.

8 Academic Honesty: Plagiarism is the practice of copying the work of others and submitting it as your own and will not be tolerated in this class. Plagiarism can include, copying homework/classwork/tests and essays of other students in the class, or copying other sources in your work without referencing them. An example of this would be copying a quote from an essay/video/website or any other source and not making proper notation of where this came from or who said it. Without references, you are taking credit for someone else’s work. Any student found to be plagiarizing will receive zero on their assignment and after a meeting with me, may be given an opportunity to write a make- up assignment.

9 My Expectations Respect Honesty Fairness Accountability Punctuality Kindness Obedience Orderly

10 My Expectations Respect Honesty Fairness Accountability Punctuality Kindness Obedience Orderly -For yourself, classmates and me -Speaking and acting in an orderly manner -In your work and your dealings with others -In your work and expectations -Doing what you are asked to do, when you are asked to do it -In class attendance and when submitting your work -The way you should treat all people -For your work, actions and educaion

11 Student Code of Conduct


13 Getting to Know Each Other You… Mr. Barter

14 Word PressWord Press * Email * After SchoolEmail

15 Getting Started… You will need:  Binder  Computer/Tablet  Cellphone  Pen/paper  A positive attitude  Commitment to work

16 What do You Remember… From Career Studies (GLC2O)


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