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Online New Student Orientation Summer 2016. WELCOME Maggie Rodriguez, M.A., M.A.C.E. Director of Admissions 832-252-4623.

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Presentation on theme: "Online New Student Orientation Summer 2016. WELCOME Maggie Rodriguez, M.A., M.A.C.E. Director of Admissions 832-252-4623."— Presentation transcript:

1 Online New Student Orientation Summer 2016

2 WELCOME Maggie Rodriguez, M.A., M.A.C.E. Director of Admissions 832-252-4623 2

3 3 “The College of Biblical Studies-Houston provides biblically based education for the Body of Christ, with primary focus on African American and other minority groups, and equips its students with a biblical worldview for Christian service to the church and the world.” But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and sincere faith. 1 Tim 1:5 Mission of CBS

4 4 Dean of Students Paul Keith Suite 113 832-252-0757 Paul Keith Suite 113 832-252-0757

5 From the CBS Catalog: “Students are allowed to miss 20% of all class time without penalty. Absences in excess of 20% of class time will result in an automatic ‘F.’” Attendance Policy

6 Expect to spend an average of 3 hours per week outside of class studying for every hour you are in the class. 3 credit class = 9 hours of study per week2 credit class = 6 hours of study per week This is different for everyone, but the rule is generally true. PLAN ACCORDINGLY! If possible, make use of electronic libraries, such as Logos (, Accordance (, or BibleWorks ( Workload Expectations

7 Right to be informed, in writing, of all charges. Right to choose not to discuss charges. Right to adequately defend himself/herself by use of witnesses, video tapes, or other means directly related to the case. Right to an open hearing, if one is required As a CBS student, you have many rights, including but not limited to: Student Rights

8 Cheating Plagiarism Copying from another student’s paper Using a marked Bible when an unmarked Bible was instructed Giving and completing assignments to and for other students Giving information to another student during examinations Obtaining information from a student who has already taken the examination Submitting as original research, a paper from another class or a paper that another student has submitted for any class PERSONAL INTEGRITY: CBS expects the highest level of academic integrity from our students. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense against a student’s character and testimony. It can include, but is not limited to: Student Responsibility

9 The possession, use, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, illicit drugs, and other questionable items and practices is not considered suitable for the Christian college campus. Any discrimination against others on the basis of race, national origin, gender, age, or disability is not acceptable. Students are subject to the responsibility of academic integrity, which demands honesty and giving credit to the proper sources. PERSONAL INTEGRITY (cont) The following is a limited, but not exhaustive, list of offenses that will require a student conduct review and if necessary, sanctions imposed: Student Responsibility

10 Using someone else’s work and not giving credit, but presenting it as if it was your work. Copying and Pasting from a website without citing your source. Taking a quote from a book/article/site, etc. and not citing sources. “All initial incidents of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of “F” on the assignment in question, and may subject the student to course failure. Consequently, the incident will be reported to the Academic Dean. Subsequent incidents will result in disciplinary action by the Dean of Students and possible expulsion from the College. In this circumstance, the student has the right to appeal the decision of the Dean of Students.” UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL PLAGIARISM BE TOLERATED. Make use of Plagiarism

11 Students at CBS are called to a high standard of Christian conduct. Christian commitment should result naturally in godly living. However, the biblical doctrine of human nature requires a realistic approach to the question of Christian lifestyle. Faculty, staff, and students are expected to abide by standards and principles founded in the Holy Scriptures. Student Conduct

12 12 Terry Bryan Director of Facilities 832-252-4676 CBS Campus Safety

13 13

14 MOBILE PLAN Navigable Actionable

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