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Vocabulary for Unit 4 Revolutionary War 8 th grade social studies.

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1 Vocabulary for Unit 4 Revolutionary War 8 th grade social studies

2 George Burrington A governor of North Carolina, sent over by Great Britain to carry out the Navigation Acts.

3 French and Indian War A war where the French and Indians fought British soldiers and American militia for the Ohio River Valley from 1753-1759

4 George Washington Colonel of Virginia Militia during French and Indian War. Built Fort of Necessity.

5 Committee of Correspondence Shadow governments formed by the patriots in North America that communicated with Britain about wanting independence.

6 Albany plan of union A plan for each colony to send delegates to a Grand Council that would be responsible for the activities in the colonies, including trade, Native Americans, and defense.

7 Pontiac An Native American Ottawa Chief who lead the Natives to fight against the British.

8 Proclamation for 1763 A declaration from King that drew an imaginary line along the Appalachian Mountains and closed the lands west of the line to settlement by British colonists.

9 Treaty of Paris 1763- ended French and Indian War 1783- ended the Revolutionary War

10 boycott To not be a part of something in order to make a point or force a change

11 Quartering Act A law requiring colonists to feed and shelter British troops stationed in the colonies.

12 Stamp Act A law that said that colonists had to pay for the stamping of paper items to prove that they had paid their taxes on that item.

13 Sugar Act The law that raised the taxes on luxury items such as wine and silk that Britain sold to the colonies.

14 Townshend acts Laws that made the colonists pay more taxes to pay the royal officials living there in the colony.

15 Boston Massacre March 5, 1770- a group of colonists protested the tax office in Boston and 5 were shot and killed.

16 Crispus Attucks A former African slave who was killed during the Boston Massacre.

17 Tea Act 1773- When the British cut the price of tea, but it still had a tax on it.

18 Boston Tea Party A group of patriots dressed like native americans dumped all of the tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act.

19 Penelope Barker Led Women in North Carolina to Boycott English goods by not drinking tea and wearing English dresses.

20 “Intolerable Acts” After the Boston Tea party, King George III sealed off the harbor and placed the colony under military control.

21 Non-importation Association The Colonists refused to buy anything from Britain.

22 Veto To turn down Used in government to say “no!”

23 treason Crime against the government or your own country

24 tyranny Mean acts by a person or group in power

25 minuteman An ordinary citizen of the colonies who was trained to fight the British at any moment.

26 loyalist a citizen of the thirteen colonies who remained loyal to Great Britain during the American Revolution

27 Patriot A person who supports their country The soldiers fighting for freedom from England

28 Continental Congress A group of representatives from the colonies who in 1776 voted to declare independence from Britain.

29 Declaration of Independence The document adopted by the continental congress on July 4, 1776, declaring the U.S. as a nation independent from Great Britain.

30 Mecklenburg Resolves A document, created in 1775, by the colonists of Mecklenburg County, which stated that British laws were no longer in effect and provided for the start of an independent local government

31 Hessian A German soldier hired by the British to fight in the Revolutionary War.

32 Nathanael Greene Major General in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.

33 Yorktown Virginia Port where Cornwallis surrendered to the Americans.

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