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Indie Culture: In Pursuit of the Authentic Autonomous Alternative.

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Presentation on theme: "Indie Culture: In Pursuit of the Authentic Autonomous Alternative."— Presentation transcript:


2 Indie Culture: In Pursuit of the Authentic Autonomous Alternative

3 independent offbeat unusual autonomous arty low-budget provocative niche-oriented

4 independent small-scale personal artistic creative mainstream large-scale commercial industry money

5 “indie”

6 “dependie”

7 “indie” alternativeness

8 “indie” cultural category

9 purity and danger

10 separation from the dominant society— its very existence stems from this negation.

11 puppets of greedy corporate scumbags

12 The indie underground made a modest way of life not just attractive but a downright moral imperative.

13 Return of the Secaucus 7 (1980) Chan Is Missing (1981) Stranger Than Paradise (1984) She’s Gotta Have It (1986) Hollywood Shuffle (1987) sex, lies and videotape (1989) Slacker (1991) El Mariachi (1992) Go Fish (1994) Clerks (1994) The Blair Witch Project (2000) Tarnation (2003) Primer (2004)


15 the budget is the aesthetic

16 hostility to the mainstream



19 The public must, I mean people must--they must not be that stupid, to at least suspect they’re constantly being condescended to, shoveled shit…

20 “mainstream” fluid relational Other

21 taste culture

22 indie was contradictory: its counter- hegemonic aims could only be maintained… by erecting exclusionary boundaries around the culture.

23 middle-age lefties urbane graduate students Sierra Club members pacifists ethnic pride advocates New Yorker readers Volvo drivers



26 like all groundbreaking films is provocative and cutting-edge

27 smashing taboos on all sides

28 Universal Seagram’s Bronfmans Intoxicant Irony

29 HollywoodHappiness danger purity

30 Controversy and critical support will create want-see among discerning and adventurous specialty audiences.

31 We pushed the black comedy aspect of the film, knowing reviewers would clue people into the disturbing subject matter.

32 cautionary tale

33 interference censorship Since the majors dominate the distribution system, they also—in effect—control the independent sector.

34 it would be a terrific situation

35 autonomyprofit authenticitymarketing push artcommerce

36 undercapitalized business venture

37 movies that might attract controversy and consumer protests will be shunned like the late-capitalist heretics they are.

38 autonomy?



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