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 Issues associated with the Current Facilities and Maintenance Management.

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1  Issues associated with the Current Facilities and Maintenance Management

2 Issues associated with the Current Facilities and Maintenance Management Lack of storage area Lack of staff Lack of specimen storage Unobstructe d pathway Machinery/ equipment Limited space to students Lack of maintenance Lack of knowledge on safety

3 Lack of storage area  Storage space is one of the facilities that must be offered in the buildings. The examples of the storage space are room, lockers and outdoor space. For our case study buildings which is School of Industrial Technology that have a lots of laboratory and equipments, storage area must be prepared in many numbers. However, from the observation to the case study building, there are many equipment and material that are not used that placed in the laboratory.

4 Figure 1: Equipment that not used in the laboratory Figure 2: Waste material outside the laboratory

5 Lack of staff  One of the issues related to the management in the case study building is lack of staff. According an interview with staff management, many of staff or workers that already stopped working or pension that not replaced with the new staffs or workers. This issue make laboratory staff is limited and not enough. Nowadays, for each laboratory in the case study building have two laboratory staffs. Staffs are important in any organization and laboratory because they help to handle the laboratory and organization and as supported to the management system.

6 Lack of specimen storage  Besides storage area, there is another issue with the specimen storage. School of Industrial Technology is focus on the science and technology. Besides academic, there is research work. There are few laboratories in this school such as microbiology laboratory and food technology laboratory. As the research work, there is a lot of specimen from the students. But, from the observation, this school lack of specimen storage.

7 Figure 3: Specimens put in the bucket

8 Unobstructed pathway  Pathway must be free from any obstruction to ensure the pathway is accessible. After the observation and inspection to the case study building, there are pathway in the laboratory and outside the laboratory that obstructed with the equipment and other stuff.

9 Figure 4: Chair and computer along the pathway Figure 5: Desk, computer and chair along the pathway

10 Machinery/equipment  Space management on the machinery/equipment is important to show the effectively on management and to ensure the productivity of workplace. There is issue with the space management of the machinery/equipment in the laboratory.

11 Figure 6: Space management of machinery/equipment in the laboratory paper Figure 7: Damaged machinery/equipment & refrigerator located on the pathway

12 Limited space to students  Space management on the machinery/equipment in the laboratory also creates one issue to the students during laboratory practices. During the time for students do laboratory practices, the laboratory is fixed with the students and the machinery/equipment. This is make students has limited space to access and hard to do works in the laboratory.

13 Lack of maintenance  According to Lind and Muyingo, 2012, lack of maintenance culture is responsible to the deterioration of educational buildings and equipments. This is also happening to the case study buildings, there are some issues related to the facilities and maintenance

14 Figure 8: Faulty switch Figure 9: Lack of maintenance on the store

15 Lack of knowledge on safety  Another issue related to the facility and maintenance management is lack of knowledge on safety. There is little observation that shows the lack of safety in the laboratory. Figure 10: Fire extinguisher, dustbin and gas that be located together in the laboratory

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