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Published byDwight Harris Modified over 8 years ago
Presented by ETS, WestEd, and the CDE Assessment Fellows
2015–16 CAASPP Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction Webcast, May 19, 2016 Presented by ETS, WestEd, and the CDE Assessment Fellows
Overall Purpose The purpose of the in-person workshop is to inform local educational agencies (LEAs) of the various components of the 2015–16 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) student results and reports and to discuss how this information might be used to inform instruction. “California’s testing system makes improving instruction a priority.” —Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Focus of this Workshop Overview of the reporting system for all CAASPP operational summative assessments: Smarter Balanced English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Mathematics California Standards Tests (CSTs) for Science, California Modified Assessment (CMA) for Science, and California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for Science Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) for Reading/Language Arts (RLA) Focus on Smarter Balanced ELA and Mathematics 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Morning Session: CAASPP Score Report Resources and Tools
Agenda—Morning Session
Purpose of the Workshop Morning Session Goals of the Workshop Morning Session Principles of Scoring Understanding the Reports What’s New for 2015–16 Accessing the Test Results Overview of the Reporting Timeline Future Reporting Tools Using Your Test Results 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Purpose of the Morning Session
Prepare LEA CAASPP coordinators to access the 2015–16 test results Provide supplementary resources and reference materials to assist LEA CAASPP coordinators with their local training efforts 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Goals By the end of this morning session, LEA CAASPP coordinators will know how to access their 2015–16 and 2014–15 test results; and how to access supplementary resources and reference materials to assist with their local training efforts. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Principles of Scoring
Goals of the Section Provide an overview of computer adaptive testing (CAT) and scoring Describe the relative contribution of the performance tasks (PTs) and CAT to the overall scores Describe: Score scale Achievement levels Error bands Claims Assessment targets 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Computer Adaptive Testing: Philosophy
“An important innovation in assessment is the trend toward computerized adaptive tests, which tailor questions to students' individual ability levels. This means assessment can be customized for each student, making the test more effective…The strength of adaptive tests lies in their ability to provide a clear picture of a student's strengths and weaknesses in a given subject. Since computerized test scores are immediate, teachers and students can discover academic weaknesses — and begin addressing them — right away.” Shorr, P. W. (2002). A look at tools for assessment and accountability. Administrator Magazine. Retrieved from 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
How Does a CAT Work? Each student is administered a set of test questions that is appropriately challenging. The student’s performance on the test questions determines if subsequent questions are harder or easier. The test adapts to the student item by item and not in stages. Fewer test questions are needed as compared to a fixed form to obtain precise estimates of students’ ability. The test continues until the test content outlined in the blueprint is covered. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
How Does a CAT Work? Example: A Student of Average Ability
Expanded Very High Ability High Med–High Medium Med–Low Low Expanded Very Low Test Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Answers (right/wrong) R R W R W W W W R R
Computer Adaptive Testing: Behind the Scenes
Requires a large pool of test questions statistically calibrated on a common scale with ability estimates (e.g., from the field test or previous administrations) Uses an algorithm to select questions based on a student’s responses, to score responses, and to iteratively estimate the student’s performance Bases final scale scores on item pattern scoring 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Computer Adaptive Testing: Practical Considerations
Each student’s test is constrained to ensure coverage of the full range of appropriate grade-level content, (e.g., the ELA test cannot consist of only reading informational items). The level of test-question exposure is constrained to maintain test security. Sets of test questions based on a common passage or stimulus constrains the ability to adapt within the set. The responses must be machine-scored to select the next question. Human-scored performance task responses are combined later with the CAT results. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Scoring the CAT As a student progresses through the test, his or her pattern of responses is tracked and revised estimates of the student’s ability are calculated. Successive test questions are selected to increase the precision of the student’s level-of-achievement estimate, given the current understanding of his or her ability. Resulting scores from the CAT portion of the test are based on the specific test questions selected as a result of the student’s responses and NOT on the sum of the number answered correctly. The test question pools for a particular grade level are designed to include an enhanced pool of test questions that are more or less difficult for that grade but still match the grade’s test blueprint. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Human-Scored Items in the CAT
Some items administered on the Smarter Balanced CAT component require human scoring. The adaptive algorithm will select these items based on the student’s performance on prior items. Since these items cannot be scored in real time by a human, the student’s performance on these items will not impact subsequent item selection. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Performance Tasks (PTs)
In all Smarter Balanced tests, a PT and a set of stimuli on a given topic are administered as well as the CAT. PTs are administered at the classroom/group level, so they are not targeted to students’ specific ability level. The items associated with the PTs may be scored by a machine or by human raters. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Final Scoring For each student, the responses from the PT and CAT portions are merged for final scoring. The resulting ability estimates are based on the specific test questions that a student answered and not the total number of items answered correctly. Higher ability estimates are associated with test takers who correctly answer difficult and more discriminating items. Lower ability estimates are associated with test takers who correctly answer easier and less discriminating items. Two students will have the same ability estimate if they have the same set of test questions with the same responses. It is possible for students to have the same ability estimate through different response patterns. This type of scoring is called “Item Pattern Scoring.” 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Final Scoring: Contribution of the CAT and PT Sections
Number of Items Defined by Test Blueprints ELA Mathematics Grade CAT PT 3–5 38–41 4–6 31–34 2–6 6–8 37–42 30–34 11 39–41 33–36 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Final Scoring: Contribution of the CAT and PT Sections (cont.)
Based on the test blueprint, the CAT section is emphasized because there are more CAT items/points than PT items/points. Claims with more items/points are emphasized. Mathematics: Concepts and Procedures Problem Solving/Modeling and Data Analysis Communicating Reasoning ELA: Reading Writing Speaking/Listening Research Because scores are based on pattern scoring, groups of items that are more difficult and discriminating will have a larger contribution on final scores. Therefore there is no specific weight associated with either the PT or CAT sections. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Final Scoring: Mapping
After estimating the student’s overall ability, it is mapped onto the reporting scale through a linear transformation. Mathematics: Scaled Score = * ELA: Scaled Score = * The mapping is limited by the grade level’s lowest and highest obtainable scaled score. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Properties of the Reporting Scale
Scores are on a vertical scale. Expressed on a single continuum for a content area Allows users to describe student growth over time across grade levels Scale score range ELA: 2114–2795 Mathematics: 2189–2862 For each grade level and content area, there is a separate scale score range. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Smarter Balanced Scale Score Ranges by Grade Level
Subject Min Max 3 ELA 2114 2623 Mathematics 2189 2621 4 2131 2663 2204 2659 5 2201 2701 2219 2700 Grade Subject Min Max 6 ELA 2210 2724 Mathematics 2235 2748 7 2258 2745 2250 2778 8 2288 2769 2265 2802 11 2299 2795 2280 2862 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction Copyright © 2009 Educational Testing Service.
Achievement Levels Achievement level classifications based on overall scores Level 1—Standard Not Met Level 2—Standard Nearly Met Level 3—Standard Met Level 4—Standard Exceeded 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Achievement Levels by Grade
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Smarter Balanced Scale Score Ranges for ELA
Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 3 2114–2366 2367–2431 2432–2489 2490–2623 4 2131–2415 2416–2472 2473–2532 2533–2663 5 2201–2441 2442–2501 2502–2581 2582–2701 6 2210–2456 2457–2530 2531–2617 2618–2724 7 2258–2478 2479–2551 2552–2648 2649–2745 8 2288–2486 2487–2566 2567–2667 2668–2769 11 2299–2492 2493–2582 2583–2681 2682–2795 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Achievement Levels by Grade
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Smarter Balanced Scale Score Ranges for Mathematics
Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 3 2189–2380 2381–2435 2436–2500 2501–2621 4 2204–2410 2411–2484 2485–2548 2549–2659 5 2219–2454 2455–2527 2528–2578 2579–2700 6 2235–2472 2473–2551 2552–2609 2610–2748 7 2250–2483 2484–2566 2567–2634 2635–2778 8 2265–2503 2504–2585 2586–2652 2653–2802 11 2280–2542 2543–2627 2628–2717 2718–2862 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Measurement Precision: Error Bands
For each scale score estimated for a student, there is measurement error associated with it. An error band is a useful tool that describes the measurement error associated with a reported scale score. Error bands are used to construct an interval estimate corresponding to a student’s true ability/proficiency for a particular content area with a certain level of confidence. The error bands used to construct interval estimates were based on one standard error of measurement. If the same test is given to a student multiple times, the student will score within this band about 68 percent of the time. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Achievement Levels for Claims
Achievement levels for claims are very similar to subscores. They provide supplemental information regarding a student’s strengths or weaknesses. No achievement level–setting occurred for claims. Only three achievement levels for claims were developed since there are fewer items within each claim. Achievement levels for claims are based on the distance a student’s performance on the claim is from the Level 3 “standard met” criterion. A student must complete all items within a claim to receive an estimate of his or her performance on a claim. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction Copyright © 2009 Educational Testing Service.
Achievement Levels for Claims (cont.)
A student’s ability, along with the corresponding standard error, are estimated for each claim. Using the standard error, an interval estimate corresponding to the student’s true performance on the claim, is constructed. The interval is defined as This interval is compared against the Level 3 Standard Met criterion, If the interval does not contain the Level 3 Standard Met criterion value for a particular claim, it would indicate a strength or weakness. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Achievement Levels for Claims (cont.)
Near Standard Below Standard 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Achievement Levels for Claims (cont.)
Above Standard 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Understanding the Reports
Student Demographic Data
Simplified Data Flow Student Demographic Data TOMS (Test Assignments and Settings) Test Settings & Basic Student Data CALPADS Test Delivery System Student Responses ORS Scoring System Test Results TOMS (Reporting) 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Partial Results Available Now
Test results are available three weeks after a student completes both parts—CAT and PT—of a content area. Test results are added nightly. Use Caution: The results available in this reporting system are partial and may not be a good representation of your school’s or LEA’s final aggregate results. These partial results are not appropriate for public release. Final data will be released publicly by the California Department of Education (CDE) by August 15, 2016. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
What’s New in 2015–16 Additional features in the Online Reporting System (ORS) Access to the previous year’s results Assessment Target Reports Access to ORS test results by additional users Access to Student Score Reports in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Redesigned Student Score Reports Student Score Reports in Spanish Earlier release of score results 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Available Reports Report LEA School Parent
Initial Student Test Results ORS Partial Aggregate Data Partial Assessment Target Reports Student Score Reports PDF/paper TOMS†/Paper†† TOMS†/Paper Paper Final Student Data File TOMS † PDFs of the Student Score Reports will be available in TOMS. †† LEAs must forward or mail the copy of the CAASPP Student Score Report to each student’s parent/guardian within 20 working days of its delivery to the LEA. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Test Results in the Online Reporting System (ORS)
CAASPP Portal:
Important Reminder The results available in this reporting system are partial and may not be a good representation of your school’s or LEA’s final aggregate results. As a real-time system, these results will change as additional data are received and relevant appeals and rescores are processed. Your school’s or LEA’s final aggregate results may be higher or lower than the partial results posted to this system and, therefore, are not appropriate for public release. Final data will be released publicly by the CDE in September. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
ORS Summary The Online Reporting System (ORS) is a Web-based system that displays score reports and completion data for each student who has taken the following California assessments: Smarter Balanced for ELA or Mathematics CSTs for Science CMA for Science CAPA for Science STS for RLA Note: All score report data, except for individual student’s score reports, can be disaggregated into subgroups for detailed analysis. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Users with Access to Score Reports
User Role Score Report Access Level LEA CAASPP coordinators All students within the LEA Test site coordinators All students within their school or entity Test administrators Test examiners Test administrators/test examiners Students assigned to them via a roster by their test site coordinator Educators NEW! NEW! For additional information about user roles available within TOMS, refer to the 2015–16 User Role Guidance document on the CAASPP Portal. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Features and Reports in ORS
Home Page Dashboard Subject Detail Report Claim-Level Detail Report Assessment Target Report Student Listing Report Student Detail Report Manage Rosters Accessing the ORS Quick Start Guide is available at 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Home Page Dashboard 1 2
NEW! Home Page Dashboard: Select Test, Administration, and Enrollment Status Select Test 1 Select Administration 2014–15 data are final 2015–16 are partial Enrollment Status View 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Home Page Dashboard: Select Grade and Subject
2 Test results are available for students who have completed both parts—CAT and PT. Students are in the process of completing tests—results are not yet available. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Updated Demographic Subgroups Show/Hide Comparison Data
Subject Detail Report Report Name Legend Updated Demographic Subgroups Show/Hide Comparison Data Show/Hide Columns Exploration Menu Time Stamp 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Available Demographic Subgroup
UPDATED! Available Demographic Subgroup Same subgroups as reported to the CDE CAASPP public Web reporting site Based on data received from the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) at the time of the demographic snapshot taken at the end of the selected testing window 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Exploration Menu UPDATED!
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Claim-Level Report Detail
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Claims by Subject ELA/Literacy Reading Writing Listening
Research/Inquiry Mathematics Concepts and Procedures Problem Solving and Modeling & Data Analysis Communicating Reasoning 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Assessment Target Reports
NEW! Assessment Target Reports Example: Mathematics Target Report Assessment Target Report Quick Start Guide available at 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Assessment Target Reports (cont.)
Indicator of strengths and weaknesses relative to the test performances as a whole of the group you are viewing Strengths and weaknesses do not imply proficiency or that a particular content standard has been met Show how a group of students performed on a target compared to their overall performance on the assessment 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Assessment Targets (cont.)
Overall Test Grade 3 ELA Claim 4 Research Claim 3 Listening Target . . . Standard: . . . Claim 1 Reading Target 2 Central Ideas Target 1 Key Details Claim 2 Writing Target 1a. Write Brief Texts Target 1b. Revise Brief Texts Compose Full Texts Standard: W-3a. a. Establish a situation and . . . b. Use dialogue and descriptions . . . c. Use temporal words and phrases . . Standard: RL-1. Ask and answer questions to . . . 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Assessment Targets (cont.)
Example of an ELA Assessment Target Grade 3—Reading Claim #1 Assessment Target (Literary Text) WORD MEANINGS: Determine intended meanings of words, including words with multiple meanings (academic/tier 2 words), based on context, word relationships, word structure (e.g., common roots, affixes), or use of reference materials (e.g., beginning dictionary), with primary focus on determining meaning based on context and the academic (tier 2) vocabulary common to complex texts in all disciplines. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Assessment Targets (cont.)
Performance on a particular Assessment Target is provided in an Assessment Target Report. The Assessment Target Reports are provided at the group level (e.g., classroom, LEA, roster, etc.); do not imply proficiency or that a particular content standard has been met; provide information regarding a group’s strengths and weaknesses relative to the test performance as a whole; and are based on statistical significance tests. For example, a group of eighth grade students might have exceeded expectations in mathematics, but their performance on “investigating patterns of association in bivariate data” might be relatively lower than their overall performance. An educator might make this an area of focus for these students. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Assessment Targets (cont.)
Assessment targets reports are produced for all claims in ELA but only for Claim 1 for Mathematics 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Assessment Target Performance Indicators
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
How Assessment Targets Are Computed
Step 1: Calculate the expected scores for every student on each item that was administered. Step 2: Calculate the differences between the actual score and expected score for student i on item j. Step 3: Calculate the target scores for each student (only average target scores across students are actually reported). This is done by summing the differences between the actual and expected scores for student i for all items that he/she attempted within a particular target. The sum is then averaged by dividing by the total number of points possible for items with a particular target. Step 4: Calculate the mean target scores across the students in the defined group (e.g., LEA, class, grade level, etc.) Step 5: Calculate the standard error of the group target score. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
How Assessment Targets Are Computed (cont.)
Step 6: Define strengths and weaknesses If (average target – standard error of the average target) ≥ 0.07 Performance is higher than expected If (average target + standard error of the average target) ≤ -0.07 Performance is lower than expected If the standard error of the average target ≥ 0.1 Data are insufficient Otherwise, performance is at the expected level 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Considerations for Using Assessment Targets
Assessment target performance indicators (strengths and weaknesses) are only reported at the aggregate level (e.g., roster, grade, school, or LEA). Assessment targets are not appropriate for individual students. ELA and mathematics target reports are available for targets with at least 10 unique items. Assessment target information is more reliable for larger group sizes. Larger group sizes will also ensure more unique items contribute to the overall target summary. Assessment targets are group specific. Each group has its own unique overall total test performance level. Different groups will yield different overall performances. Performance comparisons across groups might not be appropriate. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Considerations for Using Assessment Targets (cont.)
Assessment target reports Should serve as a starting point in overall investigations of students’ strengths and weaknesses Are one of many sources of information that should be used to evaluate student performance 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Student Listing Report
Sort 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Student Detail Report Report Name
Legend for Claim Achievement Category Summary Additional details of the student’s performance Average LEA and school scale scores for comparison Note: State-level scale score averages will not be available until formally released by the CDE. Performance on Claims 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Manage Rosters Create customized groupings of students within a school Example: School-level users can create a report that lists all of the students within a specific grade or in a particular classroom. Use in combination with user roles (e.g., TA, TE, TA/TE, educators) to provide teachers with access to test results for their students NEW! 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Manage Rosters: Adding or Modifying Rosters
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Manage Rosters: Adding or Modifying Rosters (cont.)
Select District and School Add a new roster OR View, edit, delete an existing roster 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Manage Rosters: Adding a New Roster
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Manage Rosters: Adding a New Roster (cont.)
Name your roster and select your teacher Selecting grade (s) 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Manage Rosters: View Rosters
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Manage Rosters: Print, Modify, and Delete
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
15-minute Break 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Test Results in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS)
CAASPP Portal:
NEW! TOMS Dashboard TOMS Student Score Report Downloadable Files Quick Start Guide available at 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Download Student Score Report PDFs
NEW! Download Student Score Report PDFs Select year Select the school and grade of the reports you want to compile and name the report download file. To select contiguous grades (e.g., grades three–six), hold down the [Shift] key as you select each grade. To select specific non-contiguous grades (e.g., grade three, grade four, grade 6), hold down the [CRTL] key as you select each grade. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Student Score Report PDF Download File
NEW! Student Score Report PDF Download File LEA CDS Code School CDS Code Grade SSID Date stamp A compressed file (.zip) will be generated. Large files may take time to process. Each PDF contains the Student Score Report for one student. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Student Score Report PDF Download File (cont.)
NEW! Student Score Report PDF Download File (cont.) School Name School Code Grade Last Name First Name Middle Initial State Student Id Subject Code PDF file Demo School 3 LAST01 FIRST01 A ELA,MA ETSCAASPP_2_ _ _03_ _ PDF LAST02 FIRST02 B ETSCAASPP_2_ _ _03_ _ PDF LAST03 FIRST03 C ETSCAASPP_2_ _ _03_ _ PDF LAST04 FIRST04 D ETSCAASPP_2_ _ _03_ _ PDF LAST05 FIRST05 E ETSCAASPP_2_ _ _03_ _ PDF LAST06 FIRST06 F ETSCAASPP_2_ _ _03_ _ PDF Hyperlinks to the individual Student Score Reports 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Student Score Report (SSR)
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Redesigned Student Score Reports
NEW! Redesigned Student Score Reports 1 5 6 2 3 7 8 4
Overall Score and Progress
NEW! Overall Score and Progress Elements of the Student Score Report 1 Overall score and progress for each content area Additional information about the student’s overall score
Early Assessment Program (EAP) Grade Eleven Only
NEW! Early Assessment Program (EAP) Grade Eleven Only Elements of the Student Score Report—Front Page 1 EAP College Readiness 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Test Results from Multiple Years
NEW! Test Results from Multiple Years Elements of the Student Score Report—Front Page 2 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Claim Score Information
NEW! Claim Score Information Elements of the Student Score Report—Front Page 3 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Link to Test Score Guide
NEW! Link to Test Score Guide Elements of the Student Score Report—Front Page An online resource to help parents/guardians better understand their child’s CAASPP Student Score Report 4 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Elements of the Student Score Report—Back Page
Student Address Elements of the Student Score Report—Back Page 5 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Elements of the Student Score Report—Back Page
Letter from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson Elements of the Student Score Report—Back Page 6 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Information About CAASPP
Elements of the Student Score Report—Back Page 7 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
CSTs for Science or CMA for Science Results
Elements of the Student Score Report—Back Page 8 Grade five and grade eight only Grade ten is a stand-alone science Student Score Report 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Option for Spanish Student Score Report
NEW! Option for Spanish Student Score Report 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Requesting Spanish Student Score Report
NEW! Requesting Spanish Student Score Report Request through TOMS Select the [Score Status] tab on the Student Profile page Select the checkbox for [Request for Spanish Student Score Report] TOMS Spanish-Language Student Score Reports Quick Start Guide available at 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Timeline for Reporting
When Will Scores Appear in ORS?
Partial scores and aggregate reporting: Online summative scores for a specific content area will be in ORS within three weeks of a student having completed the CAT and PT for that content area. Paper-pencil testing scores will be in ORS within five weeks of a student’s answer document being released for scoring. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
When Will Initial Student Score Reports Appear in TOMS?
Initial Student Score Reports will be provided as downloadable PDF files in TOMS one week after the student’s last score is reported in ORS. Initial Student Score Reports are created during the test administration window as the student completes the last assigned test. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Avoiding Scoring Delays
ETS may place a temporary hold on scoring a student’s results to investigate and/or clarify information provided. For example: An SSID has multiple students’ test results. A student has more than one answer document or multiple test results for the same test. A student answer document was returned incomplete. The student record was not found in TOMS. If a temporary hold is placed on a student’s score, it will delay the reporting of results in ORS as well as the Student Score Reports and data files. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Sample Reporting Timelines
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
NEW! LEA Dashboard in TOMS 1 2
Information on the LEA Dashboard
NEW! Information on the LEA Dashboard 1 Progress of scoring Estimate of when to expect delivery of paper Student Score Reports Time stamp of last update 2 Alert at 80 percent—review and update student demographic data in CALPADS Alert at 90 percent—final Student Score Reports will be processed and shipped 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Scoring Progress Dashboard
NEW! Scoring Progress Dashboard TOMS includes a dashboard displaying the progress of scoring for your LEA’s administration. When 80 percent of student scores are complete for the LEA’s administration, the LEA CAASPP coordinator will receive a notification to carry out the following: Complete testing for students with processed appeals. Verify condition codes and enter any remaining condition codes. Request Spanish Student Score Reports. Select parent/guardian address (if desired). When 90 percent of student scores are complete, the final Student Score Reports will be printed, packaged, and delivered to the LEAs. At the end of scoring, all remaining final Student Score Reports will be delivered in a separate shipment. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Resources and Support
Help Desk Support The California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC) is here to support all LEA CAASPP coordinators! Monday–Friday from 7 a.m.–5 p.m. PT Phone: Web site: 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
CAASPP Portal:
2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Future Score Report Resources
Score Report Resources Estimated Availability
Location Quick Start Guides Now administration/reporting/ index.html LEA Student Data File and supporting materials June 2016 TOMS, CAASPP Portal, Webcast* CAASPP Post-Test Guide CAASPP Portal, Webcast* Public Web Reporting Late Summer 2016 CDE Web site, Webcast** ETS Data Manager for CAASPP Fall 2016 CAASPP Portal * Information about the LEA student data file and the Post-Test Guide will be broadcast during the same Webcast. ** Information about these resources will be broadcast as separate Webcasts to be timed when the resource is available. 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
CAA ELA and Mathematics and CAPA Science
Separate Student Score Report from the Smarter Balanced and CST/CMA Science SSR Available late 2016 Pending adoption of CAAs performance standards by the State Board of Education Will be released in ORS, TOMS CAPA for Science test results are available now in ORS for students who completed these tests 2015–16 Post-Test Workshops: Connecting Assessments to Instruction
Questions and Answers
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