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ENGINEERING Ambassador Pre-Course Learning Module 1 Introduction to BLOODHOUND and STEM February 2015.

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1 ENGINEERING Ambassador Pre-Course Learning Module 1 Introduction to BLOODHOUND and STEM February 2015

2 ENGINEERING The National Need In the mid-noughties, there was concern in Government and Industry that the country was running out of technicians and engineers. Lord Leitch (a financier) was commissioned to investigate. He examined the UK’s long-term skills needs, leading up to 2020.

3 ENGINEERING Leitch’s Findings (December 2006) The country is running out of Engineers and Technicians. This is getting worse and significant action needs to occur in order to rectify the situation. By 2020 UK will be unable to retain its position as a credible centre for Technology and Engineering, unless radical moves are put in place. Further details at: review-of-skills review-of-skills

4 ENGINEERING Leitch’s Findings Skills gap especially in ages 25 to 40. Increasingly aging population of engineers and technicians. By 2020, half will have retired! 2007 Leitch Report Rising Age Profile of Average Engineering Company Skills Levels Age 16 to 2525 to 4040 to 60 Skills Requirement Levels in UK to maintain Outputs Skills Gap and it’s getting worse

5 ENGINEERING Government View Lord Drayson - 9 th January 2007 Experiencing a shortage of engineers into the MOD, Lord Drayson, Minister for Defence Equipment and Procurement, indicates that he would be keen to see a new ‘Iconic British High Technology Project’ to stimulate national interest in engineering technology in schools

6 ENGINEERING BLOODHOUND Planning Meanwhile the Thrust SSC team, current holders of the Land Speed Record and aware of the threat from American and other racers to the record, had started to plan for a new record.

7 ENGINEERING Competitors North American Eagle Aussie Invader

8 ENGINEERING The first 1000mph car … is now going to look something like this!

9 ENGINEERING Considered many places to attempt the record Many places were considered but discarded due to unsuitability or political reasons. Sevier Lake Carson Sink Lake Tuz Lake McKay Lake Frome Lake Macleod Verneuk Pan Salar de Uyunis Bonneville Newfoundland Basin Black Rock Honey Lake Diamond Valley Lake Gairdner Lake Eyre Sor Asmantay-Matay

10 ENGINEERING Settled on Hakskeenpan - South Africa Hakskeenpan

11 ENGINEERING Government Support The Government of the day, specifically Lord Paul Drayson, was very supportive of this iconic Engineering Adventure. But mindful of Leitch, wished the team to align themselves to the requirement for more and better learning in maths and sciences. We needed to inspire young people …

12 ENGINEERING BLOODHOUND is Coming! Please watch the following video ntentid/540ec8d1861dc6b9593454eb ntentid/540ec8d1861dc6b9593454eb

13 ENGINEERING STEM STEM is the acronym for: –Science –Technology –Engineering –Mathematics STEM subjects are integral to the UK’s success. The Government believes that if we wish to remain a World Leader in R&D and technology, we need a future generation that is passionate about and skilled in STEM.

14 ENGINEERING Britain and STEM Who are these STEM people?

15 ENGINEERING STEM But, employers are now finding it difficult to recruit STEM skilled staff. Notwithstanding the need for such staff, all young people, regardless of their career pathway, must have the STEM skills and knowledge to be an informed citizen in an increasingly technology-focussed world. STEM is important! Awards to encouage young people are out there: tion/stem-awards/ tion/stem-awards

16 ENGINEERING The BLOODHOUND Project Mission Create a unique, high technology project, focused around a 1000 mph World Land Speed Record attempt. Share this Engineering Adventure with a global audience and inspire the next generation by bringing science, technology, engineering and mathematics to life in the most exciting way possible. With Objectives: 1.Inspire the next generation about science, technology, engineering and mathematics 2.Share an iconic research and development programme with a global audience 3.Set a new World Land Speed Record of 1000 mph

17 ENGINEERING Project Timescale We have assembled the pieces, have a look: piece-model-kit 2015: –Qtr 2: Car build complete –Qtr 3: Low speed (200 mph) tests, Newquay –Qtr 3: Deploy to South Africa for High speed (800 mph) testing –Qtr 4: Return to UK for evaluation and further development 2016: –Qtr 2: Return to South Africa for 1000 mph Record attempt

18 ENGINEERING Where did the name come from? ?

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