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SOCIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTORS OF A SAMPLE OF PROBATIONERS Prepared by Charlene Rhyne, PhD July, 2001 Data Source: Supervision Program Information.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTORS OF A SAMPLE OF PROBATIONERS Prepared by Charlene Rhyne, PhD July, 2001 Data Source: Supervision Program Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTORS OF A SAMPLE OF PROBATIONERS Prepared by Charlene Rhyne, PhD July, 2001 Data Source: Supervision Program Information Network (SPIN)

2 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 METHODOLOGY Initial Intake and Assessment Form (IIAF) filled out by probationers coming through Intake 30 items from IIAF captured electronically in SPIN These data look at 3386 probationers Compliments the August 2000 report of probationers coming through Intake from 9.99 - 3.1.00

3 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 AGE/RACE/GENDER/RISK Average age of sample = 33 years Almost 1 out of every 3 probationers in sample is a person of color with Black (non- Hispanic) most frequently identified person of color 74% males 39% limited risk; 37% medium risk

4 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 HEALTH INSURANCE

5 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME

6 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 EDUCATION: HIGHEST/DIPLOMA DEGREE EARNED

7 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 EMPLOYABILITY

8 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 MARITAL STATUS

9 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 LIVING SITUATION

10 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME

11 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 AREAS OF NEED 19% report inadequate food for family 17% receive Food Stamps 10% are IV drug users Average age at first arrest = 23.39 25% under influence at time of first arrest 47% have had A/D evaluation; 1 out of every 5 within the last six months 18% have been in Detox at least once

12 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 AREAS OF NEED 9% are homeless 14% report mental problems 17% report history of physical/emotional abuse 13% from family member 29% from close friend 9% from intimate partner

13 Self-report SPIN data from probationers who entered DCJ from 3.2.00 - 3.30.01 THIS SAMPLE COMPARED TO AUGUST 2000 REPORT For the most part sample demographics did not differ from sample period one to sample period two Sample period two offenders: –5% less of sample had annual household income <$5,000 –5% less of sample owned home/apt –5% less of sample had A/D eval within 6 mos

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