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Introduction to American Studies Session 4 – March 9, 2009.

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1 Introduction to American Studies Session 4 – March 9, 2009

2 The Simpsons a satirical parody of middle-class mid-town life Watch the opening credits: what kind of values / behavior / lifestyle do you see represented?

3 First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

4 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….. – no official, state religion clergy have no governmental authority – all religions equal under the law no privileges or discrimination based on religion


6 Christianity – Catholic (25%) – Protestant – mainline: Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Congregational, Lutheran, etc. (14%) – evangelical: personal conversion (“born again”); authority of the bible; gospel in action; crucifixion and resurrection (29%) – fundamentalist: inerrancy of bible, 2 nd coming of Christ, etc. – Eastern Orthodox percentages from

7 How religious are Americans? 35%-45% - say they attend church every week Accurate? What does attendance mean anyhow?

8 The Simpsons go to church

9 Religion & Politics “Although religion plays an important role in the personal lives of many Americans, it has relatively little real influence in political matters.” (p. 26) Yes, but … – TASK: list issues where politics and religion intersect

10 School Prayer – Supreme Court Ruling Any kind of prayer, composed by public school districts, even nondenominational prayer, is unconstitutional government sponsorship of religion. (1962) “moment of silence” unconstitutional (1985) coach may not pray with team (2009)

11 Official Poverty Level & Median Income Levels for a family of four: $21,200 (2007-2008) 12.3% of Americans (2006) median annual household income: $50,233 (2007) – median income for men: $45,113 (2007) – median income for women: $35,112

12 In poverty - by race/ethnicity and family status. Among married families: 5.8% of all people including 5.4% of white persons, 8.3% of black persons, and 14.9% of Hispanic persons (of any race) Among single parent families: 26.6% of all persons, including 30% of white persons, 44% of black persons, and 33% of Hispanic persons (of any race) Among unrelated individuals and people living alone: 19.1% of all persons, including 18% of white persons 27.9% of black persons and 27% of Hispanic persons of any race

13 “Manifest Destiny” belief that the USA was destined by God to expand across the North American continent

14 “frontier spirit” independence self-reliance self-confidence equality

15 “frontier spirit” Positive independence self-reliance self-confidence equality adventure Negative

16 Internal Migration Patterns Frost Belt & Rust Belt  Sun Belt – Destinations: Florida, Arizona, Nevada, etc. urban  suburban & exurban – 75% live in or around urban areas – only 20% in cities of 500,000 or more – 1/3 of Americans live in towns of 100,000 or less – approximately 50% live in suburban/exurban communities

17 Crime in America - Causes unemployment poverty education level / opportunity drug abuse/drug dealing racism ethnic & cultural attitudes availability of weapons consumerism the media ineffective courts and policing poor prisons single-parent families unwed mothers youth gangs movement from cities failure to establish middle class values in culture of poverty

18 2 nd Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. – bear Arms = carry weapons – infringed = limited to infringe = to limit someone’s freedom

19 Gun Laws 70% of Americans support laws that would ban handguns there are 23,000 state and local guns laws no federal laws National Rifle Association (NRA) – 3 million members

20 14 th Amendment protection of civil rights No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

21 IssuePROCON Private gun ownership should be banned. All school prayer should be banned.

22 Intro Vocabulary for Session 5 Read chapter – good review for P&G

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