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How To Receive Communion. 1. REMEMBER 1. REMEMBER …Jesus’ life and death  1 Corinth. 11:23-26; Romans 5:6-8  “Do this towards me…”  This is Jesus Time!

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Presentation on theme: "How To Receive Communion. 1. REMEMBER 1. REMEMBER …Jesus’ life and death  1 Corinth. 11:23-26; Romans 5:6-8  “Do this towards me…”  This is Jesus Time!"— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Receive Communion

2 1. REMEMBER 1. REMEMBER …Jesus’ life and death  1 Corinth. 11:23-26; Romans 5:6-8  “Do this towards me…”  This is Jesus Time!  “I received from the Lord…”

3 2. REFLECT 2. REFLECT …on your own life  Ephesians 4:1  Think about  Walk Worthy of your true identity in Christ!

4 3.* REPENT 3.* REPENT …Metanoeo Prov. 28:13; Mark 6:12; 2 Corinthians 7:10  Regret (sorrow) for a past course pursued  Change of mind resulting from the sorrow;  Change of conduct for the future based on this change of mind…  Confess + turn=repent

5 4. RELEASE 4. RELEASE …what you repent of  1 Peter 5:7  Cast; Transfer of title  Allow to leave (release yourself from self-imprisonment)

6 5. RECEIVE 5. RECEIVE …new life, fresh anointing  2 Corinthians 5:17  Accept delivery of a new title and identity!  Kainos= new in nature; better than the old

7 “I am receiving from the Lord…” 1. Remember (purpose) 2. Reflect (pause) 3. Repent (change) 4. Release (let it go) 5. Receive! (your new identity)


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