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“Better Sanitation Better Life” COUNTRY PAPER PRESENTATION BHUTAN 6 th South Asian Conference on Sanitation Dr. Pandup Tshering Ministry of Health Bhutan.

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Presentation on theme: "“Better Sanitation Better Life” COUNTRY PAPER PRESENTATION BHUTAN 6 th South Asian Conference on Sanitation Dr. Pandup Tshering Ministry of Health Bhutan."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Better Sanitation Better Life” COUNTRY PAPER PRESENTATION BHUTAN 6 th South Asian Conference on Sanitation Dr. Pandup Tshering Ministry of Health Bhutan

2 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Country Profile Population : 757,042 Capital: Thimphu Area: 38,395 Km 2 National Language: Dzongkha Life Expectancy: 70.04 years Literacy Rate: 55% IMR: 30 per 1000 live birth Diarrhoea incidence per 10,000 for U5: 1927

3 Institutional Framework “Better Sanitation Better Life”

4 Status of Sanitation & Hygiene Source : JMP Report 2015 Source : NHS 2012

5 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Status of Sanitation & Hygiene (Toilet Ratios in Schools) Source of Data 2010: Baseline Assessment 2014: EMIS Data Toilet ratio (1:40 Boys) Toilet ratio (1:25 Girls)

6 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Policies & Strategies on Sanitation RURAL RWSS Sector Policy 2002 Strategy Document on Rural Sanitation & Hygiene URBAN Water & Sanitation Rule 1995 The Waste Management & Prevention Act, 2009 The Environment code of Practice for Sanitation & Sewerage Management, 2000 Waste Prevention & Management Regulation, 2012 INSTITUTIONS – Schools & Monastic Body No Standalone Policy or Strategy Document School Health & Safety Guideline, 2014

7 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Sanitation & Hygiene Monitoring System Toilet Access Usage Hand washing Coverage Service Delivery Effluent Discharge DHMISWASIS RURALURBAN

8 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Sanitation & Hygiene Monitoring System Coverage Functionality Hand washing facilities Coverage Functionality Hand washing EMISDL MIS SCHOOLS MONASTIC INSTITUTIONS

9 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Best Practices /Innovations RURAL – Community based approach

10 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Best Practices /Innovations RURAL Recipient of certificates for achieving 100% improved sanitation coverage

11 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Best Practices /Innovations URBAN By and large it is government driven approach but of late number of private sectors and NGOs are seen taking keen interest in solid waste management and advocating on public toilet usages…

12 Mass Handwashing “Better Sanitation Better Life” Best Practices /Innovations Schools

13 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Best Practices /Innovations Schools Separate toilets for boys and girls. Principals and School Health Coordinators(SHC) are all involved in Hygiene promotion. Every year over 100 SHC are trained. Recognition of SHC for their outstanding contribution. Majority of schools mobilize funds to buy toilet amenities.

14 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Gaps & Challanges 1. Coverage 1.Approximately 5% of the total population still practice OD. 2.It will be a huge challenge to declare the country ODF anytime soon with the current subsidy free approach. 3.Informal settlements in the urban areas that does not get urban amenities will require special attention. 4.Sustainable wastewater treatment system that uses less mechanical parts and energy is required for urban. 2. Health Despite commendable progress made in sanitation coverage, diarrheal incidence still remains high. Provision of adequate water supply at all times remains a big challenge,.

15 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Gaps & Challanges 3. Funding 1.Government support is crucial for long term sustainability of the program. 2.Development partners should continue to support the WASH program. 4. Equity & Right 1.Ensuring gender sensitivity and social inclusion in the delivery of sanitation & hygiene services is still at an early stage. 2.Instituting monitoring tools that are used to track the participation and influence of women, the poorest and PLWD are now being initiated.

16 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Future Plans Sanitation beyond MDG Achieving National target on Sanitation & Hygiene still remains the top priority. Behavior change of users on hygienic use of toilet and handwashing with soap will need to be emphasized. Attention needs to be paid to disable friendly toilets. Aligning national target on Sanitation & Hygiene with that of SDG.

17 “Better Sanitation Better Life” Future Plans Rural Community based approach to continue… Support from govt. to achieve 100% coverage. Strategy to sustain the progress made so far. Work on solid waste and grey water management… Urban Capacity development of the engineers. Strengthen institutional capacity to hygiene promotion & behavior change. Increase resource allocation for sludge management, wastewater management & BCC. Formulation of National Sanitation & Hygiene Policy

18 “Better Sanitation Better Life” PROGRESS ON SACOSAN V (KATHMANDU DECLARATION) DECLARATIONSPROGRESS TILL 2015 Formulate, develop and implement adequately resourced national/sub national sanitation and hygiene plans with indicators -- Integration of RSAH MIS with DHMIS2 initiated -- Water and wastewater management master plan with resources for four major towns Create a framework and enabling environment … -- Finalized draft Rural Sanitation & Hygiene strategy -- Urban sanitation policy drafting initiated.. diversity in service provision for infants, children, youth, adolescent girls.. -- Draft rural and urban sanitation policy and strategy addresses the needs of all. -- Environmental Health program integrated into PHED to address climate change Impacts on sanitation.

19 “Better Sanitation Better Life” PROGRESS ON SACOSAN V (KATHMANDU DECLARATION) DECLARATIONSPROGRESS TILL 2015 Recognize the importance of sustainable environmental sanitation and hygiene in urban areas… -- Zero Waste Project to make Bhutan waste free by 2030 e -- 2014 Master plan for water and wastewater management address this commitment Prioritize and promote child and disabled friendly services and menstrual hygiene management … -- Revised standard school toilet design adopted from 2014 onwards r -- MHM practices and facilities improved in schools Develop and implement guidelines and standards suitable for child, adolescent and gender and disabled friendly WASH facilities -- WASH Cluster formed to review standards and guidelines e -- Sanitation and Hygiene 2015 guidelines developed -- Institutionalize the data collection -- WASIS developed for urban areas for utilities and services

20 “Better Sanitation Better Life” PROGRESS ON SACOSAN V (KATHMANDU DECLARATION) DECLARATIONSPROGRESS TILL 2015 Raise awareness at all levels to foster demand and build capacity for sanitation and hygiene… -- National Conference on Sustainable Waste Management conducted in Oct 2014 -- District level awareness program made mandatory in sanitation program cycle Engage the Health sector at all levels in sanitation and hygiene promotion … -- RSAHP is under Ministry of Health Emphasize research and development on low-cost, appropriate sanitation products -- Constrained by resource capacity Commit to significant direct participation of children, adolescents, women, …. -- SACOSAN VI delegates will consist members from all sectors. -- WASH cluster will meet annually to address sanitation issues

21 “Better Sanitation Better Life” THANK THANK You You THANK THANK You You

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