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Campus Curricula Committee Report 16 June 2016 l CCC Meetings »9 May 2016 »16 August (upcoming) l Committee Activity »11 Degree change requests (DC forms)

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Curricula Committee Report 16 June 2016 l CCC Meetings »9 May 2016 »16 August (upcoming) l Committee Activity »11 Degree change requests (DC forms)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Curricula Committee Report 16 June 2016 l CCC Meetings »9 May 2016 »16 August (upcoming) l Committee Activity »11 Degree change requests (DC forms) »16 Course change requests (CC forms) »3 Experimental course requests (EC forms)

2 Campus Curricula Committee Report 16 June 2016 l Degree Changes Requested »File #224.1Math: Applied Math Minor »File #7.11Math: Applied Mathematics MS »File #17.4Chemistry: Chemistry Minor »File #44.23Engineering Management: Engineering Management BS »File #157.12History: History BA »File#242History: History BS »File 84.4Math: Mathematics MST »File #85.8Math: Mathematics PhD »File #138.6Business and Information Technology: Management Minor »File #102.13Arts, Languages, and Philosophy: Multiculture & Diversity Minor »File #115.17Physics: Physics BS

3 Campus Curricula Committee Report 16 June 2016 l Course Changes Requested : »File #4056.6Biological Sciences 4666: Nanobiotechnology »File #4057.4Biological Sciences 6666: Advanced Nanotechnology in Biomedicine »File #2077.1Business 2910: Business Law »File #1507.1Ceramic Engineering 5220: Advanced Mechanical Properties of Ceramics »File #1308.1Ceramic Engineering 5270: Advanced Thermal Properties of Ceramics »File #25.1Engineering Management 5330: Advanced Human Factors »File #563.1Enterprise Resource Planning 5240: Enterprise and Mobile Application Development »File #1009.1French 1180: Intermediate French »File #1949.4French 4311: Advanced French Conversation »File #4308French 4330: Business French »File #1211.1Geology 3631: Systematic Paleontology

4 Campus Curricula Committee Report 16 June 2016 l Course Changes Requested : »File #214.1Geology 4711: Paleoclimatology and Paleoecology »File #381.1Geology 6711: Advanced Paleoclimatology and Paleoecology »File #2491.2History 4097: Senior Project »File #1920.1Physics 2111: General Physics II »File #1919.1Physics 2135: Engineering Physics II l Curriculum committee moves for FS to approve the DC and CC form actions l Discussion: Questions or comments?

5 Campus Curricula Committee Report 16 June 2016 Informational Only l Experimental Courses Approved to be Scheduled »File #4297Economics 5001.001: Experiential Innovation »File #4312Economics 5001.002: Applied Economic Research »File #4313Psychology 2001.001: Foundations of Leadership l Irregularity in approval workflow »The following were approved by the DSCC after CCC and FS approvals – issue with CourseLeaf software routing »File #148.2 Business & Management Systems - BS and File #75.16 Information Science and Technology - BS, approved by CCC at the February 2, 2016 meeting and Faculty Senate at the February 18, 2016 meeting. »File #239.7 Business and Information Technology Business Analytics and Data Science Minor, approved by CCC at the January 12, 2016 meeting and Faculty Senate at the January 28, 2016 meeting

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