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Welcome Notes, Course Outline, Lesson plan. Meet your faculty  Mahreen Mamoon, Assistant Professor, BBS. Teachers’ Trainer for British Council Connecting.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Notes, Course Outline, Lesson plan. Meet your faculty  Mahreen Mamoon, Assistant Professor, BBS. Teachers’ Trainer for British Council Connecting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Notes, Course Outline, Lesson plan

2 Meet your faculty  Mahreen Mamoon, Assistant Professor, BBS. Teachers’ Trainer for British Council Connecting Classrooms Project. PhD Research Fellow [DU], MSc International Management and Marketing [QMUL], BBA Marketing, Dhaka City College, Holy Cross School. Core Skills Trainer for British Council.  Past Employers  AIUB,, British Council, DHL Express [2005-2015]  QMUL, CPM Marketing, A240 Chiropractic Clinic, TfL, London Paper [2007-2009]  Life= Family+Career+Fun  Flexible, Accommodating, Listening, Expects mutual respect

3 Provided Description  This course introduces students to issues in international business and exploration,  identification, and analysis of environment facing firms in international arena;  problems in planning, implementing, and controlling activities such as choosing foreign associates, selecting plant location, and dealing with labor, structure, legal constraints, and trade problems.  Students are introduced to international finance, economics, and marketing, international organizations and regulatory bodies.  Emphasis is placed on global business strategy and international law. Emphasis will also be given on problems of adaptation to different sociological, cultural, legal, political and economic environment.

4 Actual Description  A varied learning and case based process to help cope when being dropped in a room full of unknown people!  Be a better manager and be a far better employee  Culture friendly

5 Quotes of the Day  “ We seldom realize, for example that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society”.- Alan W. Watts  “I imagine hell like this: Italian punctuality, German humor and English wine”- Jess C. Scott  “The soul takes nothing with her to the next world but her education and her culture. At the beginning of the journey to the next world, one's education and culture can either provide the greatest assistance, or else act as the greatest burden, to the person who has just died”. Plato, The Republic of Plato

6  Core Texts:  Charles W L Hill. International Business. Recent Edition.  Bring Lecture Printouts, take notes, refer to book chapters for examples that you can analyze local business  All things related to the course – !!!

7 Silly Little Quiz

8 1. In all but one of the following countries it is expected that you bring a gift to a business meeting. In which country is it NOT expected?  China  Japan  Czech Republic  Denmark  Bolivia

9 1. In all but one of the following countries it is expected that you bring a gift to a business meeting. In which country is it NOT expected?  China  Japan  Czech Republic  Denmark  Bolivia

10 2. In Saudi Arabia, which is considered a popular gesture of friendship between men?  a high-five  holding hands while walking  a handshake  winking  a hug or kiss on the cheek

11 2. In Saudi Arabia, which is considered a popular gesture of friendship between men?  a high-five  holding hands while walking  a handshake  winking  a hug or kiss on the cheek

12 3. In Great Britain, tapping your nose indicates that something is:  confidential  smelly  inappropriate  very important  incredibly boring

13 3. In Great Britain, tapping your nose indicates that something is:  confidential  smelly  inappropriate  very important  incredibly boring

14 4. Which of the following is/are associated with death and should not be given as gifts in the Chinese culture?  clocks  straw sandals  a handkerchief  a stork or a crane  all of the above

15 4. Which of the following is/are associated with death and should not be given as gifts in the Chinese culture?  clocks  straw sandals  a handkerchief  a stork or a crane  all of the above

16 5. When treating a client to a business meal in China, the most appropriate tipping strategy would be:  15% tip  the more the better  20% tip  no tip at all  50% tip

17 5. When treating a client to a business meal in China, the most appropriate tipping strategy would be:  15% tip  the more the better  20% tip  no tip at all  50% tip

18 6. When doing business in Iran, a woman should cover their:  Mouth  Feet  Eyes  Arms and Legs  Arms, Legs and Hair

19 6. When doing business in Iran, a woman should cover their:  Mouth  Feet  Eyes  Arms and Legs  Arms, Legs and Hair

20 More?

21  You are trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters. Through the second door there is a fire- breathing dragon. How do you escape?

22  5 volunteers  Each pick a paper slip with a living being name.  Rest of the class can ask maximum 6 questions  Volunteer scan only say YES or NO  The Sixth question has to be- Are you---? Who are you?

23 Course Content  Understanding Culture, Globalization, Role of understanding Culture, Values and world views  Determinants and dimensions of culture. Practical applicability and limitations  Impact of cultural differences on individuals. Ethics and Global Business  Leadership and decision making across Culture  Mid Term  Cross Culture Negotiation and Conflict resolution  Global Communication and marketing strategy  Market entry strategy in different cultures  Business etiquette and soft skills development  Presentation  Final Exams

24 Semester Plan  One topic one quiz  Each Class contain a mini presentation  Class to be seated in group settings at all times [round]  Mid-Term after the end of 4 topics  Final after 4 topics and group presentation

25 Final Project/Presentation  Each group will be given a random country to represent  Make poster with house-hold items/hand made ONLY  Pick a product/service of that country  Pitch the Audience of your intension to do business in Bangladesh [If you got Sri Lanka to can Propose to do Business of Ceylon Tea/Art/Tourism/Education/Outsourcing etc]  Poster 10 marks+ Presentation 10 marks [Avg- 20 marks]

26 Range of MarksGrade in LetterGrade Point 90 - 100A4.0 85 - <90A-3.7 80 - <85B+3.3 75 - <80B3.0 70 - <75B-2.7 65 - <70C+2.3 60 - <65C2.0 57 - <60C-1.7 55 - <57D+1.3 52 - <55D1.0 50 - <52D-0.7 <50F0.0 Grading Procedure ModesWeight Class Attendance5% Quiz20% Midterm examination20% Business Project15% Final Examination40% Total Marks100% Assessment

27 Ground Rules  Mutual Respect for the course, faculty, materials, quiz, presentations and ATTENDANCE  Limited use of electronic gazettes [smart phones, unsmart phones, TAB, and the likes]  Stay connected-  No Facebook requests

28 Age is just a few random numbers… Don’t be bothered

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