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The Giving of the Law Catechism Questions 18-24. Where’s the Water?

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Presentation on theme: "The Giving of the Law Catechism Questions 18-24. Where’s the Water?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Giving of the Law Catechism Questions 18-24

2 Where’s the Water?

3 Where do we find God’s law?

4 Where is one place we find God’s law? Romans 2:14-15a Romans 2:15b God’s law is written in our hearts and our conscience reminds us about what God wants us to do or not to do.

5 Why can’t people always depend on what their conscience tells them? Ephesians 4:18-19 Romans 1:21 1 Corinthians 8:7 Because sin darkens people’s hearts, they may have a clouded or mistaken conscience.

6 Where do we find a reliable record of God’s law? Deuteronomy 5:22 Psalm 119:105 The law written in the Bible is reliable because it makes God’s will clear to us.

7 How is God's law summarized for us in the Bible? Matthew 22:37-40 God’s law can be summarized with the word “love.”

8 God’s Word and My Life Evaluate: It's better not to study God's law too much, because the more I know, the more God expects of me. Agree or disagree? There's no excuse for a person not to be a Christian. Everybody has a conscience. What are several things that are wrong with this statement of John: "I'm better than my friend Jennifer who drinks coffee. I would never think of drinking coffee. My conscience wouldn't allow me to."

9 LAW God Reveals His Law written on our hearts conscience bearing witness conscience Know what God wants

10 LAW God Reveals His Law written on our hearts sin clouds the conscience conscience What does God want?

11 Law Clearly Written God Reveals His Law Love GodLove neighbor In the Bible

12 Where do we find God’s law? We find God’s law written in our hearts, but the most reliable place we find God’s law is written in the Bible.

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