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Innovation and Development: Building Community Resilience through SDG and DRR Objectives WFP Presentation at the DIHAD Conference, Dubai, March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation and Development: Building Community Resilience through SDG and DRR Objectives WFP Presentation at the DIHAD Conference, Dubai, March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation and Development: Building Community Resilience through SDG and DRR Objectives WFP Presentation at the DIHAD Conference, Dubai, March 2016

2 Frameworks enabling Resilience-Building Agenda2030 – Strategic Sustainable Development Plan. Sendai DRR and COP21 – Risk Management through Mitigation. Emergency Preparedness & Response (WHS) – Management of Residual Risk. WFP Presentation at DIHAD, Dubai, March 2016

3 Relevant Principles Nationally owned and led with coherent international support. Multi-sector. Multi-stakeholder Partnerships (“Whole-of-Society”). Risk Management Approach. Domestic Resourcing (“Funding for Development”). Solutions reached through inclusion (Participation). Work at both Community (Local) and National levels. WFP Presentation at DIHAD, Dubai, March 2016

4 Community-Based Resilience-Building “Capacity-Strengthening”. Social: Social Capital (e.g. Women Empowerment, Community-Based Organisations). Physical: Asset Creation/Infrastructure. Economic: Value Chains/Links with Markets. Knowledge: Improved Information and Analysis of Risk and Vulnerability. Links with national systems: Social Protection/Social Safety Nets; Preparedness facilities; and financing (forecast financing and Risk Insurance). WFP Presentation at DIHAD, Dubai, March 2016

5 Bangladesh: “Enhancing Resilience to Natural Disasters and the effects of Climate Change” Physical Resilience: Food Assistance for community asset creation (dry season). Social Resilience: Cash Assistance for Training (rainy season). Economic Resilience: Cash Grants for Investments (all seasons). Implemented with Government, Civil Society. Funding: domestic and international resources. WFP Presentation at DIHAD, Dubai, March 2016

6 Bangladesh: Asset Creation (Physical Resilience) WFP Presentation at DIHAD, Dubai, March 2016

7 Bangladesh: Training (Social Resilience) WFP Presentation at DIHAD, Dubai, March 2016

8 Bangladesh: Investments (Economic Resilience) WFP Presentation at DIHAD, Dubai, March 2016

9 Philippines – Forecast Financing National application of a corporate climate- related funding mechanism (“Food Security Climate Resilience Facility” – “FoodSECuRE”). Establishment of information management and analytical facilities with national government partnership focused on vulnerable communities. Sustained involvement focused on Community level at the Early Action, Response and Recovery stages. WFP Presentation at DIHAD, Dubai, March 2016

10 FoodSECuRE Slow onset disaster Needs Time Anticipatory community action and preparedness to build resilience Build long-term climate resilience at community level - predictably Climate forecast, early warning data received – trigger point Emergency declared Recovery/ Resilience building starts Anticipatory Action & Preparedness Resilience Early Response Complement existing response mechanisms

11 Some Initial Lessons Adapt an integrated approach to Humanitarian/Development Frameworks working across sectors. Leverage Partnerships. Focus on strengthening local capacity and enabling community-based solutions to mitigate risk (e.g. WHS “Localisation” concept). Enhance linkages between community-based risk mitigation and national action/international augmentation for managing residual risk. Invest in: information management and analysis; early action schemes (e.g. anticipatory financing); and building back better. WFP Presentation at DIHAD, Dubai, March 2016

12 WFP Presentation at the DIHAD Conference, Dubai, March 2016 THANK YOU

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