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U.S. Department of State Foreign Consequence Management Brian Lewis Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of State Foreign Consequence Management Brian Lewis Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of State Foreign Consequence Management Brian Lewis Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism UNCLASSIFIED

2 Agenda  Operation BURNT FROST  What is Foreign Consequence Management?  Major challenges in FCM  Way Forward for FCM 2 UNCLASSIFIED

3 Operation BURNT FROST (‘08)  Over 1,000 pounds of hydrazine fuel in tank  USS Lake Erie blasted it out of sky with SM-3 UNCLASSIFIED  Uncontrolled re-entry of bus-sized U.S. Satellite

4 Operation BURNT FROST  15 agencies, including State, Defense, USCG, EPA, HHS  Prepared to fly anywhere in the world to conduct Foreign Consequence Management UNCLASSIFIED  Task force assembled in McGuire AFB

5 What is Foreign CM? Involves CBRN Contamination International incident Requires Request for, and Approval of, USG support To mitigate the loss of human life 5 UNCLASSIFIED

6 What is NOT Foreign CM?  “All Hazards”  Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief  Counter-WMD Ops  Long-term recovery assistance UNCLASSIFIED

7 USAID/OFDA S/CT FCM within Department of State (Abridged) President Obama Secretary of State Deputy Secretary of State Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN) Assistant Secretary Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism (ISN/WMDT) Foreign Consequence Management Program 7 UNCLASSIFIED FBI WH WMD Coordinator DHS HHS Defense Energy EPA USDA

8 FCMP Mission Pre-event:  Coordinate USG efforts to strengthen a partner’s organic capability: Survey strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities Advise U.S. Embassy and Host Nation Support regional and coalition cooperative response Exercise and improve collective responses 8 UNCLASSIFIED

9 FCMP Mission Post-event:  Deploy expertise commensurate with impacted nation’s request in order to: Support U.S. Embassy Provide CBRN expertise and advice Work with impacted nation to clarify and validate requests for support Coordinate appropriate U.S. contribution to response UNCLASSIFIED

10 FCM Engagements Deployments Operation Iraqi Freedom NATO CEP Exercises Bogorodsk 2002 Dacia 2003 Vancouver 2010 Olympics Athens 2004 Olympics World Cup 2010 South Africa Turin 2006 Olympics Asian Games 2006 Doha Pan American Games 2007 Rio De Janeiro Lazio 2006 Joint Assistance 2005 Idassa 2007 Zhetysu 2009 Silver and Gold Exercises, Vancouver 2010 Olympics National Exercises Joint Survey and Assessments Greek CMSAT for Athens 2004 Olympics UNCLASSIFIED

11 Major Challenges 11  Coordinating pre-event IA activities. Who is doing what and where?  State  DOE  DoD  DTRA  COCOMS  NDU  Communicating  Host Nation responsibilities  Whole of government approach UNCLASSIFIED

12 FCM Working Group (Routine Ops) 12  The FCM Working Group draws its membership from departments and agencies with equities in FCM DOS, DOD (OSD, JS, DTRA, STRATCOM, USACE), DOE, HHS, EPA, DHS, FBI Meets quarterly or as required  Office of Coordination for WMD Security and Arms Control within NSC provides policy oversight  Countering Nuclear Threats IPC is guiding IA group Unclassified

13 FCM Task Force (During Crisis) 13  Located in Washington, D.C.  Membership FCM Working Group members Action Officer level  Mission Evaluate requests and develop offers Coordinate with DHS requirements, other allies’ efforts, and other USG operations (CT/HADR/FBI)  Support forward deployed USG activities and inform senior government leaders Unclassified DOS Task Force WLGWHSREMB FCM Task Force NMCCDAS OFDA Ops CATF FESTCMST

14 Moving FCM Forward  Inter-Departmental MOU for FCM Preparedness and Response  FCM Working Group Charter  FCM Framework (Playbooks)  FCM Conditions for Success  FCM Engagement Catalog  Next Working Group Meeting - 31 Aug 2010 14

15 Moving FCM Forward (cont)  Special Event SAT Pre-deployment CM capabilities assessment of host nation Inter-agency coordination for US interest Develop requirements/needs of appropriate U.S. resources  Planned SAT Visits 2011 Pan American Games – Guadalajara, Mexico 2012 Summer Olympics – London, England 2014 Winter Olympics – Sochi, Russia 2016 Summer Olympics – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 15

16 Questions? Brian Lewis FCM Program Director (703) 875-4899(202) 905-8911 16 UNCLASSIFIED

17 FCM within Department of State Secretary of State Deputy Secretary of State Under Secretary for Management Under Secretary for Political Affairs Under Secretary for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN) Assistant Secretary Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism (ISN/WMDT) Foreign Consequence Management Program Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs 17 UNCLASSIFIED

18 Local Response LEMA National Impacted Nation’s National EOC International Partners Impacted Nation Assets U.S. Embassy DOS DOE HHS DOD State Response LEMA Region NATO NGO PVO UK EU U.S. Unmet requirements Regional Partner TF DHSEPA DOJ IAEA Validating Requests for CBRN Assistance UNCLASSIFIED 18

19 Perspective on FCM (USG) USG (Embassy) FCM Response Plan Impacted Nation Requirements DOJOFDA IO/NGO EPA DOD/ COCOM DOE HHS DHS/ FEMA/IA DOS TF & FCM TF UNCLASSIFIED 19

20 Perspective on FCM (Impacted Nation) Impacted Nation Regional Partners U.S.WHO NATO/ ASEAN/OAS National Allies IAEA Own Federal Departments OPCW DoD DOE DHS HHS DOJ EPA UNCLASSIFIED 20

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