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`. Which country? First nation to be have an industrial revolution Had lost a war with Germany in 1871 Was in a Naval Race with Germany Wanted more.

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3 Which country? First nation to be have an industrial revolution Had lost a war with Germany in 1871 Was in a Naval Race with Germany Wanted more influence in SE Europe – were they had much in common with the Serbs Wanted Alsace-Lorraine back Lost a war with Japan in 1905 Had a massive empire including parts of Africa, India & Australia Leader was called a Kaiser As well as France, this country also signed the Entente Cordiale Had the strongest army in Europe Only existed since 1871 This country had a growing involvement in Morocco Signed an agreement with GB in 1907 to create the Triple Entente Leader was called a Tsar Felt they were being encircled by enemies Ruled over many different races in Central Europe Made an alliance with Russia in 1894 They were concerned about the growth of Serbia in 1912 & 1913


5 France Great Britain First nation to be have an industrial revolution Had a massive empire Needed a massive navy Hoped no other nation in Europe would grow as powerful as her Austria-Hungary Ruled over many different races Many of these wanted their independence – nationalism They were concerned about Russia’s influence in SE Europe France Had lost a war with Germnay in 1871 She wanted revenge She wanted land she had lost back She needed strong friends She wanted to kep her large empire Russia Wanted more influence in SE Europe – were they had much in common with the Serbs Russia was going through a hard time - the Tsar was unpopular Germany Only existed since 1871 Had the strongest army in Europe Determined to catch up with GB’s wealth Felt they were being encircled by enemies














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