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This is our head teacher and his name is David Hermit and he started here in 2005 in September!

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2 This is our head teacher and his name is David Hermit and he started here in 2005 in September!

3 This top one is our old logo from last year and the one at the bottom is are new school logo.

4 This is the front of our school and it is 3 stories high. We got a good report on our last inspection.

5 Our school is really good at P.E and Mrs Morris can do trampolining with us. We also have a tennis course, astro-turf (plastic grass), a sports hall and netball courts.

6 Please select a font style: Enter your text: Text preview: School Projects

7 The lessons we do P.E German Art R.E Spanish Music Citizenship Italian I.T D.T Maths Drama English Geography Science History French Dance

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