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'The Challenges of Implementing Research and a Work in Progress’ Gemma Styles 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "'The Challenges of Implementing Research and a Work in Progress’ Gemma Styles 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 'The Challenges of Implementing Research and a Work in Progress’ Gemma Styles 2014

2 Identify the challenges to implementing research, our attitudes to research, the quantitative verses qualitative debate the research pyramid plain old bad habits.

3 Key messages for occupational therapy practitioners Keep up-to-date with current ways of working and best practice in occupational therapy. Use outcome measures that give clear evidence that occupational therapy has made a difference to people’s occupations. Act as a professional leader by seeking opportunities to implement new ways of working that focus on enhancing occupations and participation for service users. Seek opportunities to engage in research that will provide evidence of the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions. (COT 2006)

4 Attitudes


6 Quantitative vs Qualitative




10 Evidence Base/research pyramid (Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, et al. Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2000.) : Melnyk, B.M. & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

11 The Evidence Based Pyramid.







18 Recovering ordinary lives Seek opportunities to engage in research that will provide evidence of the effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions.

19 Proactive research


21 Research Title Developing professional identity in occupational therapy: a phenomenological study of newly qualified staff and their experiences in the preceptorship period.

22 Research Aims The overall aim of research is to explore the experiences of newly qualified occupational therapy staff with reference to professional identity and the role of the preceptorship year in developing this.

23 Research Questions How do newly qualified staff, who have recently been through preceptorship, experience the preceptorship process? Is the preceptorship process perceived as having any influence on the development of professional identity?






29 National Agenda Agenda For Change Value for money Payment by results Extended hours Skill mix Staffing ratio National quality commission High quality workforce Future fit Francis report Quality and safety Berwick report Putting patients first The NHS constitution DOH improvement plan Transparency Candour Patient centeredness Professionalism Responsibility.




33 Hermeneutic Phenomenology Van Manen researching the lived experience Absolute truth is less important that the experience Seek understanding Real people real situations Phenomenological engagement is personal engagement



36 Data Collection and Analysis Van Manen Purposive sampling interview Thematic analysis




40 Time Frame Ethics and R and D approval August – December 2014 Literature review August to December 2014 Data collection and analysis January to December 2015 Methodology write up January to December 2015 Write up of results, discussion and conclusion January to December 2016 Draft thesis for submission January 2017 Proposed time for Viva Spring 2017


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