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Phenomenology. Phenomenological method  The process of learning and constructing the meaning of human experiences  To understand the meaning of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Phenomenology. Phenomenological method  The process of learning and constructing the meaning of human experiences  To understand the meaning of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phenomenology

2 Phenomenological method  The process of learning and constructing the meaning of human experiences  To understand the meaning of the experience as it is lived by the participant.

3 Phenomenology  As a research method it is the study of essences  phenomenology seeks to uncover the meanings in our everyday existence.

4 Research question  The question always asks about some human experience.  The research question is not exactly the same as the question used to initiate dialogue with the participant

5 Researcher’s perspective  The researcher identifies personal biases about the phenomenon  Researcher sets aside personal biases- brackets them- when engages with participants

6 Sample selection  Either living the experience or has lived the experience in the past  Judgmental sampling

7 Data saturation  A point when data collection can cease  When the information being shared with the researcher becomes repetitive

8 Data gathering  Oral data- interview –Unstructured in depth  Written data

9 Data analysis  Thorough reading and rereading the transcript  Identification the shifts in participant thought, division of the transcript into thought segments  Specification of significant phrase in each thought segment (participant’s words)

10 Data analysis  Distillation of each significant phrase to express the central meaning (researcher’s words)  Grouping together the segments with similar central meanings  Preliminary synthesis of grouped segments for each participant  Final synthesis of essences

11 Review of the literature  The review of the literature follows data analysis  This helps to achieve a pure description of the phenomenon  Reviewing the literature helps to place the findings within the context

12 Describing the findings Provide the reader with a path from research question,through samples of participant’s words and researcher’s interpretation to the final synthesis

13 Ethical consideration  Informed consent  Privacy  Confidentiality and anonymity

14 Sample phenomenological study  Dawkins, H. & May, E. (2002). The lived experience of doing a higher degree in occupational therapy from the perspective of five graduates: A phenomenological study. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 49, 128- 137.

15 References  Streubert H J. Carpenter D R(2003) Qualitative Research in Nursing Advancing the Humanistic Imperative. New York Lippincott.

16 Team work  Compose a title in your field based on Phenomenology method.

17 Thank you

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