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Student Services 2015-16. Who is Student Services?

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Presentation on theme: "Student Services 2015-16. Who is Student Services?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Services 2015-16

2 Who is Student Services?

3 Assistants Mrs. Lori FreeseMs. Heather DeVries RHS Class of 2010

4 Counselors Mrs. Cari Franz last names A-G Mr. Jim Gyori last names H-O Mrs. Gina Castellano last names P-Z

5 Social Worker Mrs. Kathleen Leynes

6 Interns Ms. Stacey Griffith Counseling Intern Ms. Justyna Kapustka School Social Work Intern Ms. Agnes Stankiewicz School Social Work Intern

7 What does Student Services do? Registration Individual appointments via Schedule Once Academic advising Course registration College field trips College applications Scholarship applications Financial Aid advising Career exploration PSAT/ACT/AP Testing Interpersonal counseling Ridgewood Assistance Program Home/Hospitalbound Coordination McKinney Vento Coordination

8 Contact us! Jen Snyder, LCSW Director of Student Services 708.456.4242, x. 1284 Lori Freese Student Services Assistant 708.456.4242, x. 1271 Cari Franz Counselor: last names A-G 708.456.4242, x. 1269 Jim Gyori Counselor: last names H-O 708.456.4242, x.1244 Gina Castellano Counselor: last names P-Z 708.456.4242, x. 1245 Kathleen Leynes Social Worker 708.456.4242, x. 1283

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