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The Vietnam War 1954 - 1975 Vietnam Divides the Nation z66% of Americans supported war in 1965 zAs war dragged on public support dropped because zBody.

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2 The Vietnam War 1954 - 1975

3 Vietnam Divides the Nation z66% of Americans supported war in 1965 zAs war dragged on public support dropped because zBody counts on TV every night (first “living room” war) zCreates Credibility Gap: Gov’t says we are winning, images on news show the opposite zUnfair draft system

4 How is the draft unfair?  College students could defer draft until graduation  Working class men more likely to be drafted b/c they could not afford college  Minorities more likely to be drafted b/c they were less likely to go to college  Men begin protesting draft and burning draft cards

5 The Ground War 1965-1968 zGeneral Westmoreland zGeneral Westmoreland, late 1967: Helps create credibility gap We can see the “light at the end of the tunnel.”

6 The Tet Offensive, January 1968 zN. Vietnamese Army + VietCong attack South simultaneously zTake every major southern city zAttack American Embassy in Saigon, SV zU.S. + SV beat back the offensive zN. Vietnamese army militarily defeated zBUT…it’s seen as an American defeat by the media

7 Credibility Gap Reports from the U.S. Government Media reports on T.V. Credibility Gap Even though we won Tet militarily, it turns public opinion against war

8 Impact of the Tet Offensive zDomestic U.S. Reaction: Disbelief, Anger, Distrust of Johnson Administration zHzHzHzHey, Hey LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?

9 Johnson’s popularity dropped in 1968 from 48% to 36%.

10 Impact of the Vietnam War on 1968 Election …I …I shall not seek, seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President. Johnson announces (March, 1968):

11 Who will run for Election in 1968?  Republicans: Richard M. Nixon  Democrats: –Robert Kennedy: Best hope  Assassinated during campaign in 1968 –Hubert Humphrey runs  Nixon wins b/c he promises to end war

12 American Morale Begins to Dip zDisproportionate representation of poor people and minorities in combat. zSevere racial problems. zMajor drug problems.

13 1968 – Year that changes everything  Lyndon Johnson does not run for re-election  Robert Kennedy assassinated  Riots at Democratic National Convention  Nixon Elected President  Martin Luther King Jr assassinated  Tet offensive

14 Changes after Tet  26 th Amendment –Voting age 18 –Old enough to serve, old enough to vote  Pentagon Papers –Secret Papers on war leaked to media –Shows gov. had not been honest about war –Gov’t loses more credibility

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