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Physical Geography  Morocco  Algeria  Tunisia  Libya  Egypt.

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2 Physical Geography


4  Morocco  Algeria  Tunisia  Libya  Egypt

5  Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea  Mediterranean Sea to the north  Sahara Desert  Nile River Valley  Sinai Peninsula


7  Largest desert in the world  Much of this desert has no inhabitants at all  Ergs, or great “seas” of sand cover about 25% of the desert  Much of the rest of the desert is made up of gravel plains called REGS

8  Some sand dunes can reach up to 1000 feet!






14 The Sinai Peninsula Suez Canal  The Red Sea

15  Desert Climate  Covers most of the region  Temperatures- Mild to HOT HOT HOT  Low humidity  Tough plants and animals

16 MMediterranean Climate NNorthern coast WWinters are mild and moist SSummers are hot and dry AA few forests in the Atlas Mountains SSteppe Climate LLocated between the Mediterranean and Sahara

17  Nile River Valley  Great soil equals GREAT CROPS!  Coastal fishing  Mining  Oil and Natural Gas

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