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Good Things Shared by : Uday V. Antani & Chinmay U. Antani This information sent in public interest, Well Wisher is not responsible.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Things Shared by : Uday V. Antani & Chinmay U. Antani This information sent in public interest, Well Wisher is not responsible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Things Shared by : Uday V. Antani & Chinmay U. Antani This information sent in public interest, Well Wisher is not responsible for correctness of the matter. This information sent in public interest, Well Wisher is not responsible for correctness of the matter.

2 Work Life Balance

3 So what exactly is Work- life balance ? Revolves around two key everyday concepts relevant to each of us Daily Achievement Enjoyment These two concepts are like the front and back of the coin of value in life. Do you know any "Successful" people who’re not as happy as they should be ?

4 So what exactly is Work- life balance ? Meaningful daily Achievement and Enjoyment in each of the four life quadrants: Friends Self Family Work/Career

5 Balanced Work- life wheel Life rolls smoothly A balanced life is one where we spread our energy and effort - emotional, intellectual, imaginative, spiritual and physical – between key areas of importance.

6 Unbalanced Work- life wheel Life rolls...?? A wheel has spokes to ensure its strength and balance. Unequal spokes can make the ride very bumpy, or completely break down

7 How do you achieve Balance? Its all in what you think and say to yourself “If I continue to think as I have always thought, I will continue to act as I have always acted. If I continue to act as I have always acted, I will continue to get what I have always gotten.” Change the thought, changes the behavior and leads to a new consequence

8 How do you achieve Balance?-Work Work is not where you go but what you do Be Organized. Disorganization is the theft of time. Try to manage your day, instead of having the day manage you. Make lists. Use technologies like PDA to offload the stress of remembering Prioritize. Lists invariably become lengthy. Identify those which contribute towards a balance between work and life Don't procrastinate. Why invite stress to build up. It is only a compounding multiplier leading you in one direction only Be flexible. Change is imminent. Those who accept this and work around change are the most productive, best-adjusted individuals Plan, but do not run your life on a time table. Its important to prioritise, but be mindful that nothing is static.

9 Don't be a slave to your e-mail or to phone calls With Technological advances … peoples expectation of response has risen proportionately. The need to be needed is addictive One needs 'downtime' to refresh mentally, emotionally or physically. Know your weakness and strengths Improve your skills as necessary to enhance your productivity and reduce your stress. Be forgiving, especially of yourself. You are human. You will make mistakes and fall short of the ideal, including your own. Don't wallow in guilt. Learn from your mistakes. Set boundaries and learn to say no. Being a good employee, spouse, parent, and friend doesn't mean blindly giving into everyone else's demands and spending all your time and energy doing for others as they dictate.

10 Work-Life Balance-Relationship Team In work chose the right team members, better than yourself … invest time in the process Know your team members, colleagues & supervisors … their strengths and weakness. Monitor (not manage) initial engagements.. Just like a life guard monitors new swimmers Trust them and delegate … make yourself dispensable, so that u can play a larger role in strategic initiatives Ask for Help Don’t try to soldier along on your own without asking for help … it can only result in a sense of isolation, martyrdom and exhaustion Spend time with family/friends Surprise them Go for quality time rather than quantity time Do not wait for or postpone your duties,responsabilities Most moments/opportunities like flowing water never come back

11 Work-Life Balance-Self Take time for yourself. This may sound difficult for people who believe they are in very responsible position … who think they are indispensable. Find opportunities within the busy work schedule Take more Frequent though short breaks Establish good, supportive relationships, both at work and home. Its important to foster real teamwork and create an environment in which employees respect and are willing to assist each other. Children frequently enjoy being a useful member of the family - especially if they understand the importance of it. Try the Home working (tele working) model to address those pressing personal/ family needs. Worry, but only to the point it help

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