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Stringy T hings October 14-18, 2013 The developmental objective for this week was to explore varieties and textures of stringy objects in the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Stringy T hings October 14-18, 2013 The developmental objective for this week was to explore varieties and textures of stringy objects in the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stringy T hings October 14-18, 2013 The developmental objective for this week was to explore varieties and textures of stringy objects in the environment and to learn different ways to manipulate and apply them. Discovery Table Ooblick was put in the discovery table for the children to explore. The first three days different tools were put in the table for the children to manipulate the ooblick. On Thursday string and ribbon pieces were added into the ooblick for the children to feel the different textures. On Friday a pumpkin was displayed inside the table with an opening for the children to see the stringy insides of the pumpkin. The insides, along with the seeds, were also in the table for the children to feel and play with. Karson (18 mos.) Matthieu (32 mos.) Maggie (24 mos.) Marlowe (30 mos.) Indiana Foundations SS.5.14 Work and play cooperatively with others M.6.4 Purposely move and manipulate different objects M.2.15 Identify the object that has been added to the group ELA.5.2 Intentionally make marks in substances M.2.14 Move objects one at a time from one group or container to the other Circle Time For circle time the children learned a different welcome song called “Hello, How Are You?” A string phone was incorporated into the song that they took turns listening and replying into. The children also learned the songs “Hey Diddle Diddle” and “Five Little Pumpkins.” On the felt board were five pumpkin shapes for the children to take off and put back on while singing “The Five Little Pumpkins.” Sam (37 mos.),Matthieu (32 mos.) Marlowe (30 mos.),Reese (31 mos.) Karson (18 mos.) Indiana Foundations ELA.3.58 Find named pictures or textures in book ELA.3.50 Name objects from picture books ELA.4.47 Engage in turn-taking vocalizations ELA.7.49 Watch and listen to a story to completion ELA.8.42 Imitate simple rhymes Art For art this week the children were able to incorporate string in many different aspects. On Monday they were able to paint on paper using tools made out of string. On Tuesday sculptures were created using glue and different materials such as string and ribbon. Wednesday consisted of painting strands of rope. Birds nests were made on Thursday using objects they brought in from home, feathers, pinecones, and bird nest strands. On Friday the children were able to work together to paint one large box that was wrapped in string. Matthieu (32 mos.) Sam (37 mos.) Maggie (24 mos.) Rada (36 mos.) Anika (20 mos.) Reese (31 mos.) Indiana Foundations FA.1.4 Compare and contrast own creations and those of others FA.1.3 Reflect on differences and preferences as he/she encounters artwork FA.1.50 Delight in touch and feel of materials rather than what is being produced SE.5.160 Select different art media to express emotions or feelings FA.1.55 Show individuality in artwork Gross Motor Strands of rope were hung throughout the classroom resembling a spider web. The purpose of this was for the children to manipulate their bodies around the rope. Each day two new strands were added to the web for the children to crawl under, go through, and climb over. The children were to go through their normal schedule and activities, but they had to think through it differently in order to work around the rope. Reese (31 mos.) Rada (36 mos.) Marlowe (30 mos.) Matthieu (32 mos.) Sam (37 mos.) Indiana Foundations SS.3.75 Finds ways to maneuver around an obstacle that is in the way of obtaining something desired P.1.1 Responds to sensory input with a variety of behaviors P.1.4 Applies a strategy to regulate sensory input P.1.10 Participate in a variety of gross/ fine motor and sensory activities P.1.2 Tolerates a variety of sensory of input Science and Math Infant Activity For the science and math activity the children were given different stringy foods to try. After everyone tasted the food they were able to document which foods they liked and did not like. They also were able to compare which classmates preferred certain foods and which foods they didn’t care for. On Monday the children were given angel hair pasta, on Wednesday cole slaw was given, and on Friday they were given spaghetti squash to taste. Karson (18 mos.) Sam (37 mos.) Matthieu (32 mos.) Marlowe (30 mos.) Anika (20 mos.) Indiana Foundations SS.2.15 Follow simple directions M.5.10 Make choices based on size M.5.19 Identify when something is hot and cold M.2.1 Select the preferred item when given two choices S.E.4.23 React to new situations based on memory of a previous event The infant activity this week was designed for the infants to pull different sizes and textures of ribbon and string through the top of a box. Each day a new strand with a different texture and color was put inside the box for them to experiment with. The box was also covered in different types of string and ribbon for them to feel and look at. Leo (13 mos.) Indiana Foundations P.4.1 Reaches for, grasps, and releases objects ELA.5.1 Grasp tools M.5.9 Distinguish big and little M.2.14 Move objects one at a time from one group or container to another M.1.2 Touch one object Megan Downey FCFC 465 Practicum Triangle Classroom

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