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 Gaming Project By: Christopher Baca. Our Brand.

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Presentation on theme: " Gaming Project By: Christopher Baca. Our Brand."— Presentation transcript:

1  Gaming Project By: Christopher Baca

2 Our Brand

3 The Team  Tynan Otts  Chris Baca  Michael Truong  Jeremy Imlach

4 The Game

5 Demo  Show only certain parts of the game  Will be interesting and will grab the gamers attention  Make sure there's enough information, but it not give away too much

6 Exposure  Posters  Commercials  Articles (in Game Informer)  If you like the demo and pre- order, then you will get a special X-clamp t-shirt and bonus maps for online mini-games

7 Sales  Expect to sell a decent amount of copies due to exposure  Over 10,000 copies the first couple of months  Plan to come out with a sequel  If enough people like our first game, we hope that our sales for both games will be even better

8 Sequel  We plan on making more of these games but they take place in different areas of the world  Rock, Ice, Fire, Grass, etc.  In the later games we might even unveil a level that you play in outer space

9 Tie Ins TV/Movies  We would like our game to either be on the big screen or start a television show about the adventure of our character and the many struggles he must face Book  We also hope to make our series into a novel where people can not only play the game on a console, or on tv, but read about it in a book.

10 X-Clamp Gear AscendersShoes

11 X-Clamp Gear HarnessRope

12 X-Clamp Gear HelmetClips

13 X-Clamp Gear Decelerator

14 Logo

15  The End Or is it…..

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