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M Meet the Teacher Evening Wednesday 16 th September 2015.

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1 m Meet the Teacher Evening Wednesday 16 th September 2015

2 Class Teacher Mrs Thomas (beginning of week) Mrs Hammond (end of week) LSA Miss Horton

3 Oldest children in the school – expected to be good role models; take on increasing responsibility and look after the younger children in the school Be more independent and responsible particularly in their work and in the use of their resources Come to school ready to learn

4 Praise is vital for children’s self-esteem Praise supports good progress as children feel valued and more prepared to take a risk We praise children all the time We reward individual behaviour with stickers For whole class effort we use “Pasta in a jar” – when full the class earn a reward

5 F riendship – we work together and help each other O penness – I open my heart and mind to ideas and people that are different R esponsibility – it’s up to me to do the right thing E ndurance – I try hard to do and be the best I can S tewardship – We look after each other and our world T rust – We rely on each other to make good choices

6 Thinking - solves problems, uses creativity, follow own enquiries, organises their thinking Independence – manages own learning, reflects and evaluates their learning, transfers learning, able to think for themselves Interdependence – listens and values the views of others, takes an active role in a group, negotiates and compromises, work towards a common goal Creativity – generates new ideas, expands and develops ideas, uses their imagination, creates innovative outcomes Emotional Intelligence – has self belief, discusses their feelings manages feelings in a positive manner, responds sensitively to other peoples feelings Spirituality – recognises and appreciates difference, thinks deeply, asks questions, develops a strong sense of themselves and the world around them

7 Discovering Africa I’m Special, I’m Me! Are you afraid of the big Bad Wolf? The Unsinkable Ship One Small Step Guardians of the Forest Amazing Animals

8 Mornings: Challenge Worship Phonics Literacy Fruit Playtime Maths Story time Afternoons: Handwriting Spellings Guided Reading PE Project Work: science, art, geography, history, D&T etc Religious Education Music Story Time Blab blab time allows them to follow their own individual interests within the writing, maths, computer, art, reading or construction areas

9 3 parent consultation meetings during the year – Autumn, Spring and Summer Term You will be informed of progress and your child’s next steps – their achievements and challenges An open door policy – make an appointment or ask for a chat at the end of the day

10 During May 2016, the children will sit the new style SAT’s tests – these were redesigned to reflect the change to the new curriculum, which was introduced last year. Reading Writing Spelling Punctuation, Grammar and Vocabulary Maths

11 We will focus on a different spelling pattern each week We practise these daily

12 Each child will have a reading diary which must stay in their book bag. They are encouraged to record and comment on the books they read Children can change their books as often as they want, don’t worry if they want to keep it for a while just as long as they are reading every night Magazines, comics and newspapers are great for reading, it does not always have to be a book

13 Read to Me books need to be signed in and out Share together then complete an activity in your log book Each completed book is worth 1 hour in your university passbook Home Learning challenges count towards Children’s University

14 Talk to your child about their day at school Read with and to your child – keep it fun Support your child with the home learning projects that are sent home Follow our class blog and read the curriculum newsletter Encourage your child to use the Purple Mash website


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