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Interesting emerging / horizon technology See these too:

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1 Interesting emerging / horizon technology See these too:

2 3D printing RepRap: Free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap can print those parts, RepRap can be considered a self-replicating machine It also means that - if you've got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend... Collaborative tools - collaborate in – writing

3 Augmented Reality (AR) Immersive, and can support varied learning styles Authentic Learning - can enhance vocational studies, can aid in instruction and learning for those disciplines where a specific spatial configuration of elements must be learned. Realistic models - AR provides a means of “seeing” phenomena in 3D, thereby bringing the contextual three dimensional nature of the real world to the their learning. Engagement/Interactivity - Illustrations in books can come to life with AR technology and can captivate readers of all ages. QR codes / stickers being used in AR games, to augment learning materials, etc. Wikitude Create-A-Scape

4 Haptics Gives you some feedback in terms of what you might be seeing and manipulating on the screen 3D force feedback. Using a pen you can sort of reach out and feel a physical object in space even though that object doesn’t exist in a physical space. Haptic cow supports people in their veterinary training. And that means that you can give students access to an environment they wouldn’t normally have access to.

5 Twitter A few examples in education: CSI twitter (A skeleton of an unidentified animal was found on campus. Used Twitter to disseminate images of the skeleton and solicit experts to help identify the skeleton. Within a few hours the request spread, suggestions poured in: true collaboration.) Summing up articles/chapters in 140 characters ‘Twitter stalking’ – follow famous person linked with a current event (e.g. Obama ) ‘Time Tweet’ - Choose a famous person from the past, create a twitter account for them – choose image, over a period of time write regular tweets in the role of that character, in a style using appropriate vocab ‘Micro Write’ Progressive collaborative writing on Twitter. Students agree to take it in turns to contribute to an account or ‘story’ over a period of time.

6 iPad 205 ‘education’ titles in apps tore (for iPad only) eBooks/iBooks – interactive, multi-touch text books, story books, etc. Apple has partnerships with text book publishers (Macmillan) Cheap (£300) Android TVs People of Lava Scandinavia TV, Internet, Multimedia, Internet and Social Media – all interconnected, in living room, class room, etc Many Android apps available

7 Multi-touch interfaces Allows for multi-user use(!) – several students collaborating/contributing at the same time Multi-touch desks ‘SynergyNet’ aim to improve collaboration: Windows 7 supports multi-touch Promethean whiteboards allow multi-touch Mobile surface Can transform any surface (e.g., a coffee table or a piece of paper) to a Mobile Surface with a mobile device and a camera-projector system.

8 Nintendo 3DS Out March 2011 3D effects with no special glasses Game authoring Kodu (Xbox and PC), Newtoon Many of the shelf games have level editors, e.g. Fallout 3, Neverwinter Nights, Unreal, etc

9 Graham Hopkins

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