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Planning for Success 1 Being in Control of Your Emotions.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for Success 1 Being in Control of Your Emotions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for Success 1 Being in Control of Your Emotions

2 Learning Goal: Students will discover ways to remain in control of their emotions. Students will discover ways to remain in control of their emotions.

3 Write: Using complete sentences: Using complete sentences: Have you ever lost control of your emotions? Have you ever lost control of your emotions? What set you off? What set you off? How did you react? How did you react? What were the consequences? What were the consequences?

4 Being in Control of Your Emotions What is being in control of your emotions? What is being in control of your emotions?

5 Don’t let your urges – good or bad – take over

6 Avoid immediate reactions Think before you act! Think before you act!

7 Make conscious decisions (Rather than emotional decisions) (Rather than emotional decisions)

8 Use your brain! (Rather than your emotions) (Rather than your emotions)

9 Do what is right or best Even when it is not what you feel like doing Even when it is not what you feel like doing

10 The Importance of You Being in Control of Your Emotions Why should you be in control of your emotions?

11 To improve your relationships with others People will feel more comfortable around you People will feel more comfortable around you

12 It’s less stressful Every situation does not need to be emotional Every situation does not need to be emotional

13 Using energy to accomplish things Rather than react to things Rather than react to things

14 You will be taken more seriously If you are always dramatic, then people will not pay attention when you really need them to If you are always dramatic, then people will not pay attention when you really need them to

15 Others will feel more comfortable around you If you don’t “lose your cool” If you don’t “lose your cool”

16 How to Be In Control of Your Emotions

17 Know what influences your emotions What really gets you going? What really gets you going?

18 Use strategies to remain in control Take a step back Take a step back Breathe Breathe

19 Don’t react immediately Think before you act Think before you act

20 Stay in control Let the little things go Let the little things go Stay calm, think of something else Stay calm, think of something else Learn how to tell yourself “no” Learn how to tell yourself “no”

21 Videos guidAssetId=CABDB1A8-8699-4E91-B276- EC7F59CCDCD8&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US guidAssetId=CABDB1A8-8699-4E91-B276- EC7F59CCDCD8&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US guidAssetId=CABDB1A8-8699-4E91-B276- EC7F59CCDCD8&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US guidAssetId=CABDB1A8-8699-4E91-B276- EC7F59CCDCD8&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US guidAssetId=5E112D13-7FE8-4A16-AD0D- 1BEA12E4B05A&blnFromSearch=1&productcod e=US guidAssetId=5E112D13-7FE8-4A16-AD0D- 1BEA12E4B05A&blnFromSearch=1&productcod e=US

22 What does it mean to be in control of emotions? Discuss

23 Why is it important to be in control of your emotions? Discuss

24 What are some ways that you can stay in control of your emotions? Discuss

25 Planning for Success 1 Being in Control of our Emotions: Lesson Two September 15, 2010

26 Learning Goal: Students will work to provide evidence of level 2 knowledge of the skill “Being in Control of Emotions” Students will work to provide evidence of level 2 knowledge of the skill “Being in Control of Emotions”

27 What does it mean to be in control of emotions? Review

28 Why is it important to be in control of your emotions? Review

29 What are some ways that you can stay in control of your emotions? Review

30 Frayer Model: Control of Emotions Word/Term: Control of Emotions Control of EmotionsPicture: Definition: To have control over your feelings. Sentence: Taking control of your emotions is a very important thing in your life because it will help you out in the future or in jobs.

31 Activity: Cartoon Create a cartoon about someone who becomes angry and reacts in the correct way. Include: Create a cartoon about someone who becomes angry and reacts in the correct way. Include: What sets the person off What sets the person off How the person feels when they become angry How the person feels when they become angry The person responding in the correct way The person responding in the correct way What the person does after he/she has calmed down What the person does after he/she has calmed down

32 Planning for Success 1 Control of Emotions Lesson 2 September 21, 2010

33 Learning Goal: Students will work towards proving level 3 knowledge of “Control of Emotions”. Students will work towards proving level 3 knowledge of “Control of Emotions”.

34 Writing Activity: Write about a time that someone lost control of their emotions. Write about a time that someone lost control of their emotions. Why did they become upset? Why did they become upset? How did the person react? How did the person react? What were the consequences? What were the consequences?

35 Brochure: Activity Design a brochure to promote others to have control of their emotions Design a brochure to promote others to have control of their emotions

36 Brochure: Activity Be sure to include: Be sure to include: An attractive cover An attractive cover Pictures Pictures A description A description How How Why Why Always do your best work!! Always do your best work!!

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