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Tutor Training Fall 2014. Introductions Crystal Kiekel, Eddie Tchertchian, and Allison MacLeod – Hosts Moustafa Ahmadi and Ramiro Martinez – Habits of.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutor Training Fall 2014. Introductions Crystal Kiekel, Eddie Tchertchian, and Allison MacLeod – Hosts Moustafa Ahmadi and Ramiro Martinez – Habits of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutor Training Fall 2014

2 Introductions Crystal Kiekel, Eddie Tchertchian, and Allison MacLeod – Hosts Moustafa Ahmadi and Ramiro Martinez – Habits of Mind Justin Parco and Erick Valadez – Reading Apprenticeship

3 Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Identify at least 1 Habit of Mind that you already use to tutor students.

4 Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Identify at least 3 key metacognitive routines that you use to learn new material.

5 Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) Use metacognitive routines and/or Habits of Mind in a short tutoring session.

6 Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) 3. Your Personal Student Learning Outcome (P-SLO)

7 Introduction The theme for today is identity and habits associated with: ▫Things we are really, really good at ▫Things we are not so good at (but we’d like to be!)

8 Expert/Novice Icebreaker Find someone you don’t know. In 5 minutes, introduce yourself and identify tow things: ▫Something you are really, really good at (Expert) ▫Something you are not good at, but you’d like to be (Novice) Introduce your partner and areas of novice and expertise

9 Reflect… What habits or routines do you have to solve problems? How can you improve your own habits or routines so you can be a better problem solver? How can you share that process with tutees?

10 Habits of Mind Tutor Training part 2 Moustafa Ahmadi and Ramiro Martinez

11 What are Habits of Mind (HOMs)? Those dispositions that are skillfully and mindfully employed, by characteristically successful people, when confronted with problems, the solutions to which are not immediately apparent.

12 Huh? It’s our mental tool box that give us the tools to properly tutor and know how to properly handle problems and situations from different angles


14 I never tutor without… Listening and understanding with empathy Thinking about thinking Take responsible risks

15 Lets Put it Into Action Think of a couple of the habits of mind that resonate with you Reminisce about a difficult situation you ran into the past month

16 Unite Find someone outside your discipline and resolve each others problem Then form groups of 4 and discuss a recurring theme

17 Wax On Wax Off We all start off as a novice Think about the habits of mind that you employ to help you improve

18 “Making the Invisible Visible”

19 The Brain is Malleable

20 The brain is like a muscle that gets stronger and works better the more it is exercised. The more we learn, the more connections our neurons make. The more we learn, the more capacity for learning we have. Every time you work hard, stretch yourself, and learn something new your brain forms new connections and over time you actually become smarter.


22 Mindset Matters People with fixed mindset believe: ▫Intelligence, ability, personality, talent are carved in stone ▫Intelligent people should not have to WORK HARD ▫Scores on a test measure potential ▫Failure reflects a lack of intelligence or ability Response to failure: ▫Blame themselves or others ▫Feel depressed, anxious, stressed, helpless ▫Give up

23 Mindset Matters People with growth mindset believe: ▫Intelligence, ability, personality, talent are malleable ▫Learning requires HARD WORK and EFFORT ▫All individuals can learn ▫We cannot measure a person’s potential Response to failure: ▫Don’t think they are failing so blame no one ▫Keep going, put in effort & persist ▫Look for other ways to do things ▫Remain hopeful that they will succeed

24 Developing a Growth Mindset Step #1: Learn, Learn, Learn Step #2: Realize hard work is key Step #3: Face setbacks

25 Pair/Share Turn to your neighbor and tell him or her one thing this Mindset graphic made you think about.


27 Now it’s your turn 1.Select a text that is hard 2.Read the text silently as you normally would to understand it 3.You’ll have about 4 minutes to read, and then we’ll do a share and write out of ideas afterward 4.We will make a list on the board

28 Share Out What strategies did you use to make sense of the text? ▫What did I do? ▫Where did I do it? ▫How did that affect my reading and understanding?

29 Metacognitive Log Take your reading sample and follow the directions on the Metacognitive Log sheet in your packet. We will discuss your answers

30 Wrap up “Aha Moment” Give out prizes

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