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Grade 7 Religion Unit 2 – We Believe in God.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 7 Religion Unit 2 – We Believe in God."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 7 Religion Unit 2 – We Believe in God

2 What is Trust?

3 2.1 Whom do we trust? Choral reading – p. 26 ( 6 readers + God)

4 A short story… Take out a sheet of paper and write a short story. The title of the story is ‘Trust Me’… We’ll share some of our stories when they’re done.

5 Let’s finish up and share our stories about trust…
Rubbing Shoulders... Trust in God Spontaneous worship

6 Religion Quiz #2 Let's study quietly for a few minutes, before we start the quiz.

7 Finding Trust… Did the theme of trust make an appearance over the holidays, for you? How? Choral reading continues, p.28 (11 readers) Activity sheet 22 Questions: What would God ask us to give, now? Why wouldn’t we give it? How could God better use what we have?

8 Trust (copy) A true relationship of trust can only exist when those involved are willing to both give and receive. God is willing to receive what we offer as a gift. God is also willing to trust us and wait for our gifts. More of Abraham and Sarah's story... video video2 Poll

9 Let's... correct our word searches correct our quizzes
Look at St. Teresa’s prayer p. 36 (3 readers + visualization) Notes: (copy) Experiences of unexpected joy, strength and comfort are signs of God’s presence in our lives. When we look back on our lives, we can begin to see how our experiences tell stories, and that these stories form a pattern. It is in this pattern that we will come to know God.

10 Unit 2 Project - Day 2 Today we will work on our final, or 'good copy' of the letter. Feel free to use your technology and we have Bibles in the classroom, that may help you. Because we don't have any laptops, feel free to send your letter to me from your personal device. Send to: Of course you can still write your good copy in your own handwriting!

11 Alone? Hand in your letter project, with the rubric/assignment sheet.
Let’s review the note you copied… Describe a time when you felt lost, alone, afraid, worried, etc. Write about it in your notebook.

12 Note (copy) The experiences of feeling lost, alone, confused, worried etc. remind us that, as humans, we are limited. We cannot control or understand everything that happens to us. Because of this, we rightly turn to God for answers. Video encore

13 Question? Why is it that we talk more about the unexpected bad things that happen in our lives, rather than the good? Classified Write a classified ad that asks for a certain kind of God to come into the world and help us/you.

14 2.2 Am I all on my own? p.37 Read the story of ‘The Prisoner, the Hen and the Miracles’, and answer the 3 questions from the end of the story, in your religion notebook.

15 Exodus Read pages 39-41 of your text. Answer:
How did the Egyptians treat the Israelites? (3 examples) Who is Moses brother? Why is the Exodus story important for Christians? Describe the route taken by the Israelites, on their journey to the promised land. (See map page 40 name places, directions, etc.) Meditate

16 Welcome! Let's quietly enter the room and begin with an entry in our journals about meals.

17 The Passover (Pesach) video
Looking at pages 41 & 42, complete the following chart: (copy it into your notes) Food Symbolizes Shank bone of lamb ___________________ Unleavened bread- 1 ___________________ 2 ___________________ 3 ___________________ Bitter herbs ____________________ Parsley/salt water ____________________ Haroset (apple mix) ____________________

18 Unit 2 Quiz For today's quiz you may use: Your notes
The textbook (pages 25-44) Fully Alive Textbook (pages 19-30)

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