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Lecture Capture Update Rusty Scott, Exec. Associate Director, ACNS March 23, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture Capture Update Rusty Scott, Exec. Associate Director, ACNS March 23, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture Capture Update Rusty Scott, Exec. Associate Director, ACNS March 23, 2015

2 Topics for Today Brief Overview Usage Stats FY 15 Financials Echo Changes, Impact to Us FY16 Options Discussion March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 2

3 Lecture Capture Overview Capturing a combination of audio, projected content (powerpoint, etc.) and instructor video Two ways to capture Personal capture –on desktop/laptop, managed by instructor Classroom capture – appliance-based; hardware in classrooms Scheduled and ad-hoc March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 3

4 Echo Locations BuildingRooms Anat/Zoo205 BSB101, 103, 107, 131 ChemistryA101, A103 ClarkA101, A102, A103, A104, A201, A202, A206 Comp. Sci.130, 325 Education105 EngineeringB2, B4, C205, 100 Gifford144 Shepardson218 Statistics6 Scott Bio.229 UCA142 Weber202, 237 Yates104 VTHA221 March 23, 2015 30 rooms UTFAB-funded New in FY15 UTFAB Presentation 4

5 Echo Creation (2013-present) March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 5

6 Echo Views by Week (Jan-March, 2013-present) March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 6

7 Financials for FY 15 Total FY 15 Allotment $ 68,500 ($60K FY15 + $8,500 FY14) Cloud server lease$ 11,200 Echo licensing$ 47,295 New venues (in-class capture) x 2$ 8,000 FY15 Actual$ 66,495 Balance remaining$ 2,005 March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 7

8 March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 8

9 What’s Changing? Infrastructure Locally hosting model phased out Soon, cloud only New software platform includes: Active Learning Platform (Student Engagement) Content repository for sharing Analytics Capture Currently this is one product but is being ‘disaggregated’ in FY16 Licensing Venue-based model (ours) nearly extinct ‘Site’ licenses – Based on FTE of department or campus Registered Student User – Based on number of users who access the system March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 9

10 Other than that, it’s just like last year. March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 10

11 Changes – Moving to the Cloud Content stored elsewhere We don’t run the servers (can be a win) We still manage: The application and content Integrations with our SIS and LMS Move what content we want to keep to the cloud Hosting costs included in licensing costs With caveats, discussion coming March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 11

12 Changes – The New Platform Today, one product offering that includes Echo’s full suite – the Active Learning Platform We’ve heard (loudly) that our interest lies in capture, not the student engagement tools Commitment from Echo in the next year to ‘disaggregate’ functions, allowing campuses to tailor the service to meet their needs March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 12

13 Changes – Software Licensing Legacy model (ours), venue-based Resident computer/appliance in a room We have 30 venues + Personal Capture (Pcap) FY 15 cost - $90K UTFAB – 14 venues OnlinePlus – 12 venues Colleges – 4 venues Site license Unlimited Pcap, no limits on venues, access to ALP Based on student FTE of the Colleges that use the system Our use is spread across all Colleges Echo proposed a 3-year agreement for 15K FTE FY 16 - $97.5K FY 17 - $120K FY 18 – $150K Plus cloud ‘bundles’ as needed – additional content and streaming hours March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 13

14 Software Licensing, cont’ Registered Student Users (RSU) model Monitor users authenticating through the LMS Given current use, Echo sees 4000 as a reasonable threshold for the next 2 years; Unlimited Pcap, no limits on venues $100K/year, would likely require additional bundles A bundle = 1000 hours of capture, 20,000 hours of streaming ($3K each) Additional 1000 users = $25K Include access to the ALP March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 14

15 Hardware Component Appliance costs (today) New - $4500, includes 2 years warranty Refurbished - $2795, includes 2 years warranty Warranty expirations 16 in 2014 10 in 2015 4 in 2016 March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 15

16 FY 16 Recommendations Given; Complex licensing model ‘Ala carte’ offering not available yet Enabling us to choose what we want Echo has agreed to honor FY 15 venue-based pricing ($90K) Adding additional venues (licensing) is expensive ($4K/room) Recommendations; Continue with venue-based model, no additional venues Work closely with Echo as they parse their services so we can choose what we need in FY 17 Reserve funds to replace 3 appliance (refurbished) Funds to be returned if not needed In parallel, explore other LC alternatives March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 16

17 FY16 Financials, Proposed March 23, 2015 Maintenance Costs Hardware (Server & storage) $14K Licensing (Pcap & venues)$45K Appliance replacements (3)$8.4K FY 15 Carry Forward$2K Total:$65.4K UTFAB Presentation 17

18 LC is a Team Effort March 23, 2015 UTFAB$65.4K OnlinePlus - 11 Appliances (estimated)$49.5K OnlinePlus –> ACNS for support$72K Colleges$18K ACNS - Integration, training, supportDedicated FTE UTFAB Presentation 18

19 UTFAB Funding Criteria March 23, 2015 1. Benefit as many students as possible Usage continues to grow 2. Ability to effectively utilize the feeYour decision. 3. Not funded by CFTFor GA classrooms, correct. 4. Adherence to budget and accountability Your decision. 5. Potential for direct student useYes. 6. Effort, thought & clarity in the planYour decision. 7. Quantitative usage dataExamples given. 8. Financial co-sponsorshipYes. 9. Central/distributed balanceYes. 10. Cost/benefit ratioYour decision. UTFAB Presentation 19

20 Discussion! March 23, 2015 UTFAB Presentation 20

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