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Datblygu Cynllun Strategol WEA YMCA CC Cymru Development of WEA YMCA CC Cymru’s Strategic Plan Mark Isherwood – Prif Weithredwr / Chief Executive Kelly.

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Presentation on theme: "Datblygu Cynllun Strategol WEA YMCA CC Cymru Development of WEA YMCA CC Cymru’s Strategic Plan Mark Isherwood – Prif Weithredwr / Chief Executive Kelly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Datblygu Cynllun Strategol WEA YMCA CC Cymru Development of WEA YMCA CC Cymru’s Strategic Plan Mark Isherwood – Prif Weithredwr / Chief Executive Kelly Edwards – Uwch Swyddog Ymchwil a Pholisi / Senior Research & Policy Officer

2 Cyd-destun: yr arolygon Context: the surveys 1.Studio Gill: arolwg ar-lein online survey Aelodau, partneriaid, staff, members, partners Cymraeg a Saesneg Welsh & English 246 atebion responses (26 Cymraeg; 220 English) 2. Arolwg WEA YMCA CC Cymru Survey Gwahoddiad Fforymau Regional Forum invitation Fersiwn iaith sylfaenol Plain language version (Questback) 14 atebion responses (3 Cymraeg; 11 English)

3 Studio Gill: Proffil yr Atebwyr – Respondent profile

4 WEA YMCA CC Cymru: Proffil yr Atebwyr – Respondent profile Relationship with WEA YMCA CC Cymru

5 Gweledigaeth Vision I ba raddau ydych chi’n cytuno â’r datganiad hwn? To what extent do you agree that the Vision is an appropriate reflection of the ambition for the organisation? Ar raddfa o 1 i 7 (pan mae 7 yn cytuno’n gryf): On a scale of 1 to 7 (where 7 is strongly agree): Bron hanner (47%) o atebwyr yn cytuno neu’n anghytuno’n gryf (6 a 7) Just short of half (47%) of respondents agree or strongly agree (6 & 7) Mewn cymhariaeth, 2% yn unig yn anghytuno neu anghytuno’n gryf (1 & 2) In comparison, only 2% disagreed or strongly disagreed (1 & 2)

6 Gweledigaeth Vision WEA YMCA CC Cymru consultation N14

7 Cenhadaeth Mission I ba raddau ydych chi’n cytuno â’r datganiad hwn? To what extent do you agree that the Mission is an appropriate reflection of the ambition for the organisation? Ar raddfa o 1 i 7 (pan mae 7 yn cytuno’n gryf): On a scale of 1 to 7 (where 7 is strongly agree): Mae 46% o atebwyr yn cytuno neu’n cytuno’n gryf (6 & 7) 46% of respondents agree or strongly agree (6 & 7) Dim ond 3% o atebwyr sydd yn anghytuno neu anghytuno’n gryf (1 & 2) In comparison, only 3% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed (1 & 2)

8 Cenhadaeth Mission WEA YMCA CC Cymru consultation n14

9 Pwrpas Purpose I ba raddau ydych chi’n cytuno â’r datganiad hwn? To what extent do you agree that this statement is an appropriate reflection of the ambition for the organisation? Ar raddfa o 1 i 7 (pan mae 7 yn cytuno’n gryf) On a scale of 1–7 (where 7 is strongly agree) 47% o atebwyr yn cytuno neu cytuno’n gryf (6 a 7) 47% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed (6 & 7) Dim ond 2% o atebwyr yn anghytuno neu anghytuno’n gryf Only 2% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed

10 Pwrpas Purpose WEA YMCA CC Cymru consultation

11 Gwerthoedd Values I ba raddau ydych chi’n cytuno â’r datganiad hwn? To what extent do you agree that this statement is an appropriate reflection of the ambition for the organisation? Ar raddfa o 1 i 7 (pan mae 7 yn cytuno’n gryf) On a scale of 1–7 (where 7 is strongly agree) 48% o atebwyr yn cytuno neu cytuno’n gryf (6 a 7) 48% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed Dim ond 2% o atebwyr yn anghytuno neu anghytuno’n gryf Only 2% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed

12 Gwerthoedd Values WEA YMCA CC Cymru consultation n14

13 Adborth Feedback Afrealistaig yn ei faint – dylai targedu’n fwy Unrealistic in its reach – should be more targeted Angen sôn am ‘gymdeithas’, ‘dinasyddiaeth fyw’, ‘iechyd a lles’, diwylliant a iaith Cymraeg, ‘cyfanfydol’, ‘ymwybyddiaeth amgylcheddol’ ac ‘amrywiaeth’ Need to refer to ‘society,’ ‘active citizenship,’ ‘health and wellbeing’, Welsh language and culture, ‘global’, ‘environmental awareness’ and ‘diversity’ Angen sôn am ‘gyfleoedd dysgu dwyieithog’ Make reference to ‘bilingual learning opportunities’ Gwerthoedd heb eu rhestru yn nhrefn eu pwysigrwydd Values not listed in order of importance Angen ychwanegu ‘cydweithrediad’, ‘partneriaeth’, ‘annog tegwch cymdeithasol’ ‘llais cryf y dysgwyr’ Need to add ‘collaboration,’ ‘partnership,’ ‘promotion of social justice,’ 'a strong learner voice’ Angen sôn am annog diwylliant o ddysgu ac ymchwil yn y mudiad Need to refer to promoting a culture of learning & research in the organisation

14 Unrhyw sylwadau neu gwestiynau arall? Any further comments or questions? Diolch yn fawr am wrando Thank you for listening

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