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UNIT 5: THE UNIVERSE AND THE EARTH THE UNIVERSE CELESTIAL BODIES PLANETS: In the solar system there are eight planets, which are: Mercury, Venus, The Earth,

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 5: THE UNIVERSE AND THE EARTH THE UNIVERSE CELESTIAL BODIES PLANETS: In the solar system there are eight planets, which are: Mercury, Venus, The Earth,"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 5: THE UNIVERSE AND THE EARTH THE UNIVERSE CELESTIAL BODIES PLANETS: In the solar system there are eight planets, which are: Mercury, Venus, The Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. STARS are big balls of gas which produce light and heat; The Sun is the centered Star of the Solar System. They can develop in different stages. CONSTELLATIONS: groups of stars (Andromeda…) COMETS are small bodies, like planets, that move in orbit. Some may have a tail of gasses, dust… METEORITES: object form the Space that survives the entrance into the surface of the Earth. GALAXY: a large collection of stars that can be recognized as a unit. Some have a spiral shape. Our solar system is contained in the Milky way. SPACE: the void that exists beyond any celestial body. It is very low density and we cannot breathe in it. SOLAR SYSTEM THE SUN: its a star that heats the solar system and all the other 8 planets orbit around it. It´s a middle aged star, so It has lived a half of its life. It´s a G- type. MERCURY: It is near the Sun. VENUS: It is very hot. It seems to be a star when the sun goes down. THE EARTH: We live in this planet. It has got a satellite called The Moon, It has special conditions to allow living things to survive: IT´S WARM + IT HAS GOT A LOT OF LIQUID WATER + ITS ATMOSPHERE PROTECTS THE BIOSPHERE. MARS: it´s the red planet. JUPITER: It is the biggest planet in the solar system. SATURN: It has got beautiful system of rings based on countless small particles that orbit around it. URANUS: It has got 27 moons.NEPTUNE: It has got 13 mooons Name: Date: PAGE 1

2 Name: Date: PAGE 2 ROTATION The Earth takes one day to rotate around its axis, producing the day and night. REVOLUTION The Earth takes 365 days (one year) and six hours to rotate around the Sun, producing the four seasons: spring, summer autumn and winter. THE MOON, OUR SATELLITE We can only see the parts of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. There are four main phases: new Moon, three quarters, full Moon and one quarter. It rotates around the Earth producing the tides of the sea. Description: It has got thousands of craters, and its temperature is extreme, varying form very hot during the day and very cold at night. MISSIONS : 1- DWARF PLANETS 2-ECLIPSES 3-BIG BANG 4-STAGES OF A STAR 5-ARRIVAL TO THE MOON 6-TYPES OF GALAXIES 7-CONSTELLATIONS

3 Name: Date: PAGE 3 THE GEOSPHERE It contains three layers: 1.CRUST: the surface of the Earth is a thin layer of rock. We live on the surface of it. Life in the Earth is developed on the Crust. 2.THE MANTLE: a thick layer of very hot rock. 3.THE CORE: a ball of very hot metals in the centre. EXPERIMENTING : 1- Volcanoes 2-Salt Crystals 3-Identifying minerals… MAGNYFYING GLASS VOLCANO WORLD SALT CRYSTALS VolcanoesVolcanoes are destructive forces of nature that occur not only on our planet, but also on other planets in our Solar Systemour planetplanets Solar Learn about rocks, minerals & soils using your magnify glass. Rocks, minerals and soils have different characteristics that set them apart from others. Find out about the properties of rocks such as slate, marble, chalk, granite and pumice. Which rocks split? Rocks are placed in the containers to provide a site from which the crystals will grow. Salt and hot water is mixed together to create the solution that is poured over the rocks in the bowl. Over time the salt crystals begin to form as the water evaporates. LANDSCAPES IN THE EARTH: TYPES: 1.MOUNTAIN: areas of very high land. 2.COASTAL: areas next to the sea. 3.DESERT: very dry areas with not much vegetation. 4.URBAN: towns, cites and villages ELEMENTS: 1.TERRAIN 2.WATER 3.VEGETATION AND FAUNA 4.MANMADE ELEMENTS URBAN DESERT COASTAL MOUNTAIN Dunes Oases Valley Peak Buildings Street Beach Cliffs

4 MAP OF UNITED KINGDOM The UK are a group of Islands at the northwest of Europe: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Guernsey Islands. The weather is normally wet and they speak English. Name: Date: PAGE 4 DRAWINGS THAT SHOW AN AREA FROM ABOVE A PLAN: shows a small area (a room, a city…) A MAP: shows a large area (a province, a country, a continent, the world…) It can reflect the geological features such as mountains rivers… and it´s called Physical Map. The political map reflects the cities and counties, and many more such as the topographic one… They use colors, symbols and text to give information, which is explained in the key MAP OF SPAIN Spain occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula. Spain is mountainous; Some of the land is semi-desert and the country has a long coastline which borders the Atlantic and The Mediterranean Sea. Its largest rivers are the Ebro, Duero, Guadalquivir, Guadiana and Tagus. The climate is varied, with snow in the mountains and extremes of heat and cold in the central region. Drought is a particular problem in many areas. Madrid is the capital city. Other important cities are Barcelona, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada and Valencia. There are 17 communities. WORLD MAP It reflects the world in flat paper or in 3D. There are six continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, The Americas, Oceania and Antarctica. MAP OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA There are 50 states. It´s huge and they speack English. Some famous cities in the East are New York, Washington DC, Miami… and in the west Los Angeles, San Francisco…


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