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ORIENTATION FOR WEST USERS Welcome to WEST! Saddle up, we’re going WEST.

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Presentation on theme: "ORIENTATION FOR WEST USERS Welcome to WEST! Saddle up, we’re going WEST."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORIENTATION FOR WEST USERS Welcome to WEST! Saddle up, we’re going WEST

2 What We’ll Cover Today I. Resources & Training II. Lay of the Land  Creating/Editing Student Records individually, in bulk, or self-serve  Reporting  Edit Settings Schools Services Custom Fields III. Account Set Up  Schools  Advisors To own or not own? To see or not see?  Student Data Choose Owner? 2 Uploads: Student Data, Ed. History Devise Participation Tracking Strategy

3 Don’t go it alone! Resources & training

4 Resources & Training   Training Calendar (  Resources Quick Reference Guide – outlines basics of the system Upload Templates Report Guide NSC Guide Past presentations

5 Upcoming Training October 24 October 31 November 14

6 WEST is big, don’t get lost Lay of the Land

7   Creating/Editing Student Records individually, in bulk, or self-serve  Reporting  Edit Settings Schools Services Custom Fields

8 Lay of the Land: Data Entry  Individually  In Bulk  Self-Serve

9 Create a Student to work with one-by-one Data Entry: Individual Students

10 Data Entry: In Bulk


12 Data Entry: Self-Serve

13 Lay of the Land: Reporting




17 Lay of the Land: Edit Settings Green navigation buttons = “Tab,” or “Screen”

18 Tips for a Solid Start Account Set Up

19  Account Set Up  Admin Accounts  Schools  Advisors To own or not own? To see or not see?  Student Data Choose Owner? 2 Uploads: Student Data, Ed. History Devise a participation tracking strategy

20 Admin Accounts vs. Advisor Accounts  Admins can  Create Advisor Accounts Set permission level  Upload in Bulk  Edit Student Records  Pull Reports  Edit Settings Password Schools Services Custom Data Fields Kiosk Advisors can – Edit student records (those designated by admin) – Pull Reports (if allowed) – Edit Settings Password Kiosk

21 Account Set Up: Schools 1. Add a District

22 Account Set Up: Schools Find your DISTRICT(S) Create your district only if you’re positive it doesn’t already exist…

23 Account Set Up: Schools 2. Edit Schools, If Necessary

24 Account Set Up: Advisors  To own or not to own?  Generic Login?  Personal Login? Potential for Orphans  To report/not report?

25 Account Set Up: Advisors

26 Provide a name, this can be changed Create a login name, this CANNOT be changed Make up a password, this can be reset Set Permissions, these can be modified

27 Account Set Up: Advisors Set Permissions, these can be modified To own or not to own? Generic Login? Personal Login? Be aware of the potential for Orphans

28 Account Set Up: Student Data  Student Data Choose Owner? Required Info Name (Profile Tab) Academic Year (Education History Tab) 2 Uploads: Student Data, Ed. History Devise a participation tracking strategy

29 Green navigation buttons = “Tab,” or “Screen” Student Information

30 Student Information: Profile, Education History Minimal Student Information Needed to Get Set Up: First Name Last Name Birthday Expected Year of Graduation Ending Academic Year School Name

31 Student Information: Summary Contact details, which come from the Profile Tab/Screen

32 Student Information: Summary Get a spreadsheet with all information regarding student – every participation, both individual and group

33 Student Information: Summary Get a spreadsheet with all information regarding student – every participation, both individual and group

34 Student Information: Summary Test scores come from data you enter into the “Testing” screen

35 Student Information: Summary Latest College plans come from data you put into the college screen

36 Student Information: Summary Latest participation comes from the Participation Screen and the Group Sessions log

37 Student Information: Tracking Participation  Decide upon strategy for indicating your organization’s programs

38 Student Information: Tracking Participation

39 Student Information: Devise a Tracking Strategy Date (enter text) Location (enter text) Duration (select duration) Session Title (For Group Sessions) Service Program (Select one) Academic Preparation Adult Learner Advisory Services Career Development Early Awareness GEAR UP Last Dollar Scholarships Resource Center Retention Effort Talent Search (customized by program) Session Type (Select one) Computer Search Inquiry Materials /Applications/Forms One-on-one Advising; Referral Workshop Postsecondary Entrance Exams o PSAT information o PSAT registration o PSAT scores o SAT information o SAT registration o SAT scores o ACT information o ACT registration o ACT scores Financial Aid o Financial aid overview o FAFSA assistance o SAR assistance o Aid award letter assistance o Profile assistance o Federal grant/loan assistance o State grant/loan assistance Last Dollar Scholarship o CAP scholarship overview o CAP scholarship application asst. Career Exploration o Career search/selection o Major search/selection o Workplace visit Academic Advising o College prep/core curriculum information o State Graduation Test information o GPA assistance o Tutoring o Proficiency preparation Postsecondary Admissions o Postsecondary search/selection o Application asst. o Housing issues asst. o Enrollment issues asst. o College visit Session Topics (Check all that apply) Session Details

40 Account Set Up: Keep in Mind  All participation records (individual or group) are tied to Education History records, which provide school name info, academic year info, and current grade level info  Make sure to add schools  Make sure every student has an education history record every year

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