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Native Americans of Long Ago

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1 Native Americans of Long Ago
Hopi Nation Native Americans of Long Ago

2 Southwest Desert

3 Southwest Desert

4 Southwest Desert Map

5 Plant Resources cactus

6 Plant Resources Joshua Tree flower cactus sagebrush

7 Fill in your worksheet about plants.
Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about plants.

8 Animal Resources scorpion snake iguana

9 Animal Resources javalina (wild pig) /have-a-lee-nah/ coyote spider
road runner

10 Fill in your worksheet about animals.
Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about animals.

11 Hopi Tribe The Hopi /hoe’ - pee/ people lived in Arizona.
Arizona is part of the Southwest Desert. The climate is very hot and dry. There is some rain, but not very much. The land is rocky and has many cliffs. There is a lot of clay in the ground.

12 Hopi Food The Hopi people hunted and ate the mammoth until it became extinct. They also ate corn, beans, squash, pumpkin, and bison. Corn was the most important food to the Hopi people.

13 piki - food made from mashed corn
Hopi Food piki - food made from mashed corn mammoth

14 Fill in your worksheet about food.
Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about food.

15 Hopi Shelter The Hopi people lived in adobe /uh - doh’ - bee/ apartments build into the side of the cliffs. Adobe is made from clay and straw. A community is called a “pueblo” /pweb’ - low/.

16 Pueblo The only way to get to the upper levels was with a ladder.
The ladder could be pulled up to keep enemies away.

17 Pueblo

18 Fill in your worksheet about shelter.
Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about shelter.

19 Hopi Clothing The Hopi people got wool from sheep.
They used the wool to weave blankets and clothing and rugs. They made shirts, leggings, and skirts from the wool.

20 Shearing Sheep for Wool

21 Weaving from Wool

22 Hopi Clothing

23 Hopi Hairstyles

24 Fill in your worksheet about clothing.
Native Americans Fill in your worksheet about clothing.

25 Hopi Pottery

26 Kachina Dolls Kachinas /kah - chee’ - naz/ were thought to be spirits who would help the Hopi people.

27 Bracelet with turquoise
Silversmithing Raw silver Bracelet with turquoise Decorated bracelet

28 Hunting Tools Quiver and arrows.

29 Cradleboard

30 Review Where is the Southwest Desert region?
What plants and animals are in this region? What is the climate like in this region? What resources did the Hopi tribe use to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter? What other interesting information do you know about the Hopi people?

31 Native Americans End of Lesson

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