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Heavy Metal Toxicity Scripps Classroom Connection.

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1 Heavy Metal Toxicity Scripps Classroom Connection

2 Defining Water Pollution Water pollution: degradation of water quality Water Quality My Be Evaluated Based on: 1. Use 2. Change from Norm 3. Drinking Quality Polluted water in India Scripps Classroom Connection

3 Water Uses Agriculture Power Generation Industrial Processes Home Use (Domestic) Scripps Classroom Connection

4 Sources of Pollutants to Water Direct Sources  Runoff  Leaks  Seepage into groundwater  Air transport Indirect Sources  Population size- leads to more pollution overall Scripps Classroom Connection

5 Categories of Pollutants Scripps Classroom Connection

6 Water Requirements for Home Use Water must be free from:  Fine sediment  Insecticides  Pesticides  Pathogens  Heavy metals Should also taste good, be odorless, not damage plumbing Scripps Classroom Connection

7 Heavy Metals in the Environment “Heavy” metals: high atomic weight  Human released  Natural Scripps Classroom Connection

8 Effects Of Metals on Health Direct Effects  Physiological- metals can inhibit basic body functions Indirect Effects  Stored in tissues over time- initial dose might be ok, but can accumulate over time (bioaccumulation) Example: Mercury  “Mad hatter”- mercury used in hat making Scripps Classroom Connection

9 Health Effects from Toxic Metals: Minamata, Japan Mercury release from 1932- 1968. Bioaccumulation in shellfish 2,265 victims were reported and 1,784 of them had died  Mercury poisoning Scripps Classroom Connection

10 Heavy Metal Uptake Pathways Soil Plants Consumers Humans Metals Water Phytoplankton Consumers Humans Metals WATER LAND Scripps Classroom Connection

11 Example: Lead (Pb) Contamination Mt. Pleasant, Michigan: contaminated with lead (4x EPA standards). The highest concentrations were found near homes built before 1930. Why? Leaded paint and gasoline  Seep into groundwater Scripps Classroom Connection

12 Example: Copper in San Diego Bay Copper levels in San Diego Bay are much higher than in neighboring Mission Bay. Why? San Diego BayMission Bay Scripps Classroom Connection

13 Sources of Copper to San Diego Bay Anti-fouling paint on boat hulls Run-off- brake pads, storm water Scripps Classroom Connection

14 The Effects of Copper in San Diego Bay Damaging to plant and fish life  Fish, mussels, kelp Ultimately un-healthy for humans  Recreational activities in the bay- such as fishing Scripps Classroom Connection

15 Studying the Effects of Anti-fouling Paint on Cu Concentrations in San Diego Bay Copper regulations  Anti-fouling paint Why so much copper?  Type of paint  Boat cleaning methods Scripps Classroom Connection

16 Copper Leach Rates from Anti-fouling Paint Scripps Classroom Connection

17 Conclusions Water pollution: degradation of water quality from its original state  Depends on use Heavy metals: harmful pollutants  Dangerous to human health  Toxic to marine life Heavy metal contamination  Recent decline  Some remain a problem: copper Scripps Classroom Connection

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