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Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Webinar Date: April 9, 2014 Presented by: Office of Unemployment.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Webinar Date: April 9, 2014 Presented by: Office of Unemployment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Webinar Date: April 9, 2014 Presented by: Office of Unemployment Insurance U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

2 2# Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen

3 Moderator: Gay M. Gilbert Title: Administrator Organization: US Department of Labor, Office of Unemployment Insurance 3#

4 Presenter: Rebecca Buchanan Title: UI Program Supervisor: Interstate and Federal Programs Coordinator Organization: Nebraska 4# Presenter: Commander Kirsten Martin, USCG Title: Assistant Director of Military Compensation Organization: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Presenter: Stephanie C. Garcia Title: Supervisor of State and Federal Programs Organization: US Department of Labor, Office of Unemployment Insurance Presenter: Kathy Flynn Title: Business Analyst Organization: Xerox/ICON Support/Federal Claims Control Center

5 5# 1.Opening Remarks, Background – Gay Gilbert 2.Workgroup Efforts, Outcomes – Stephanie C. Garcia 3.System Functionality – Kathy Flynn 4.State Perspective – Rebecca Buchanan 5.Military Perspective – Commander Kirsten Martin USCG 6.Next Steps - Stephanie C. Garcia 7.Closing Remarks – Gay Gilbert 8.Questions and Answers – All

6 6# 1.Summary and Recap of UCX Modernization 2.Understanding of MSDES components 3.State and Military experiences 4.Sign-up and usage of MSDES

7 7 Training and Employment Notice No. 20-12 Improve, streamline and automate the Unemployment Compensation for Ex- Servicemembers (UCX) claims processing and billing Paperless data exchange by fully automating request for wage and separation information, claim establishment and withdrawal data to the military via the Federal Claims Control Center (FCCC) Standardized automated process for providing quarterly billing information to the military

8 8 UCX Modernization Initiative Sponsors Group White House Liaison Department of Labor Department of Defense  Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)  Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA)  Interstate Benefits Sub-Committee

9 UCX Modernization Workgroup: US Department of Labor  Xerox – UI-ICON Support and Federal Claims Control Center (FCCC) Team Department of Defense National Association of State Workforce Agencies District of Columbia, Georgia, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Wisconsin 9

10 MSDES Key Milestones: January 24, 2013 announcement of MSDES concept July 22, 2013 MSDES official system creation launch October 23, 2013 AL, DC, GA, IA, MN, MT, NE, NH, NM, OK, UT, and WI begin pilot testing of MSDEC December 3, 2013 AL, DC, GA, IA, MN, MT, NE, NH, NM and WI begin pilot testing MSDEB December 30, 2013 MSDEC “go live” date January 15, 2014 technical assistance webinar for MSDEB March 21, 2014 MSDEB “go live” date 10

11 Work Group Results: Creation of The Military-State Data Exchange System (MSDES), which has two components: Military-State Data Exchange Claims (MSDEC)  Provides timely notice of UCX claim filed and establishment as well as other communication Military-State Data Exchange Billing (MSDEB)  Provides capability to upload and download detailed quarterly bills as well as other communication 11

12 MSDES functionality: MSDES does not replace the functions of the FCCC. MSDES improves, streamlines, and automates UCX claims filing and billing processes. MSDES increases integrity of the UCX claims process. MSDES saves time and money for the states and the military 12

13 Military-State Data Exchange Claims (MSDEC) Claims Processing FCCC uploads daily claims information into system Various MSDES specific forms are used to communicate Forms and responses allow issues to be handled in days, not weeks 13

14 Military-State Data Exchange Billing (MSDEB) Automated Billing Processing MSDEB does not automatically replace the mailing of quarterly billing statements (states should check their laws and policies). Standardizes the UCX quarterly bill. States upload their quarterly bill in a prescribed format. Military downloads the quarterly bill. 14

15 Enhanced Integrity Identity theft prevention Earlier issue detection Quality Adjudication Time lapse improvement Accurate additional income information Easy Implementation For claims (MSDEC), only requires minor enhancement of existing file. For billing (MSDEB), requires creation of a file. Does not require programming of new screens. Test Region is not needed. Expert support from Xerox Services 15

16 BEFORE MSDES – list of SSN’s and names through US Postal Service mail. AFTER MSDES – secure website #16

17 #17 Difficult to detect detailed pension information from DD214 or Type 1 response. No amounts or effective dates.

18 #18 Pension information provided with amount, frequency and effective date in clear, easy-to-read format.

19 Nebraska Programming for MSDEC Very easy to add the new fields for the Claims portion to the Type 2 record. 1. WBA 2. MBA 3. Branch of Service 4. Dependent Allowance (Not applicable in Nebraska) “We basically read a couple of tables to get the info and inserted the values in the Type 2 record.” Programming Time Involved: Less than a week, including meetings and research. 19

20 Nebraska Programming for MSDEB 1.Participated in UCX Pilot Billing Requirements Workgroup with Xerox Services, military branches and other states. 2.Included diverse participants – UI Benefits, Finance & Treasury, I.T., BPCU. 3.Assigned a project manager. Drafted a project plan and charter. 4.Held technical requirements meetings concerning implementation issues and new fields specific to Nebraska. 5.Participated in pilot testing with Xerox, which is very EASY. Xerox provides all test scenarios. No test region is required. 6.Entire project from kickoff to final testing was less than 3 months. 20

21 Lessons Learned and Success Stories: For a minimal investment of programming time, Nebraska reaped the benefits of enhanced integrity and higher quality adjudication for all UCX claims. From an I.T. perspective, this project presented few difficulties. On a scale from 1-10, with “10” being the most difficult project, our ICON programmer rated this project as a “3.” In addition, MSDES is all electronic, which has allowed us to see savings on printing, paper, postage, and, most importantly, staff time 21

22 Notice of Monetary Determination Faster response Improved accuracy = system integrity Quarterly Detailed Benefit Data Data normalization (audit, history, forecasting) Member “job” and “location” Reduced “busy work” & Cost Savings Letter writing and processing Postage and handling Time savings = Task Refocus 22

23 Air Force: Correction of UCX to UCFE and vice versa UCFE to UCX (centralized office) Army: Engaged w/28 states (6 no longer require written comms) Coast Guard: Enhanced audit readiness Marine Corps: Deserter--UCX Fraud Navy: Quick response to “first full term” queries, resulting in correct payments 23

24 UCX Costs & Expenditures Program Audits & Financial Controls Paperless DD-214 (Copy 5) PULL versus PUSH Improved handling of PII Cost savings Protection of PII UCX Correspondence (Army) 24

25 Next Steps Our goal is 100% state participation/usage of both components of MSDES USDOL is committed to active outreach to non-participating states USDOL is committed to communicating successful MSDES practices to the states USDOL is committed to providing MSDES technical support and training USDOL is committed to providing supplemental funding to states to implement MSDES 25

26 26# Thank you all for coming and learning about MSDES. Please contact your regional office staff and they will coordinate with Stephanie Garcia or John Schuettinger to help you obtain access to and training on MSDES.

27 27#

28 Thank You! or Find resources for workforce system success at: 28#

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