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Suggested Priority Activities SEAMEO RETRAC. PRIORITY 1,2,3 Regional training to promote school leaders’ competency (SEAMEO Council’s recommendation 4)

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1 Suggested Priority Activities SEAMEO RETRAC

2 PRIORITY 1,2,3 Regional training to promote school leaders’ competency (SEAMEO Council’s recommendation 4) Regional training programes for school heads on community disaster risk reduction – Develop/revise the curriculum and manuals – Training school heads, using blended learning mode.

3 PRIORITY 4,5,6 Develop, enhance and adopt competency standards for basic education in SEA region. SEAMEO Easy Teach Programme developed, enhanced and institutionalized.

4 PRIORITY 7,8,9 Adopting 21st century curriculum through sea-digital class. – Designing the common framework for 21st century curriculum with 21st characteristics/skills added to be adopted – Training programmes on how to integrate and adopt 21st century skills and characteristics into the curriculum.

5 PRIORITY 7,8,9 Development of language teacher education in the SEAMEO region for ASEAN integration – English language training programme to improve English capacity of SEA teachers. – Training programs on English language teaching methods for SEA teachers. – Sharing of knowledge, skills and best practices among SEAMEO member countries in the area of English proficiency.

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