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Ismael Garza, P.E., PTOE NDOT Traffic Operations Wednesday, September 16, 2015.

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2 Ismael Garza, P.E., PTOE NDOT Traffic Operations Wednesday, September 16, 2015

3 There is no single right answer in resolving a traffic safety concern because stakeholders in different communities may legitimately disagree on the best means to enhance safety, ensure travel reliability, and address community concerns. The primary focus of traffic management must remain on safety.

4  Traffic signals can be a lightning rod for safety issues.  Brings key stakeholders to a structured analysis and discussion of the issue.  Key discussion topics  The science behind the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and why it’s important.  Less restrictive, less capital-intensive alternatives available to effectively address safety issues.

5  Local agencies  Municipal  County  First Responders (Law, Fire, EMS, etc)  Schools  Local MPO, if applicable  NDOT District, Traffic, Safety, other staff

6  Code of Federal Regulations: 23 CFR 655.603. Sec. 655.603 Standards. (a) National MUTCD. The MUTCD approved by the Federal Highway Administrator is the national standard for all traffic control devices installed on any street, highway, or bicycle trail open to public travel in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 109(d) and 402(a).  NRS 484A.430 1. The Department of Transportation shall adopt a manual and specifications for a uniform system of official traffic-control devices...  City of Reno Municipal Code, Section 6.06.060, adopts the MUTCD.

7  First modern traffic signal installed in 1914 in Cleveland, OH.  Quantitative and qualitative measures developed through experience to determine when installation has the potential to do more good than harm.  Now known as MUTCD signal warrants.  Nine warrants based on vehicle and pedestrian volumes, crash history, roadway configuration, and network characteristics.

8  Traffic Volumes  Matrix of major and minor street minimum volumes including number of lanes on each street  Based on the projected number of gaps in the major street traffic that will allow that volume of drivers on the minor street to enter safely with minimal delay  Pedestrian Volumes  Graphic scale of traffic volumes versus minimum pedestrian volumes  Based on the projected number of gaps in the major street traffic that will allow that volume of pedestrians to cross safely with minimal delay




12  In the 1980s, Philadelphia, PA, removed 199 signal installations that did not meet signal warrants; crashes were reduced by 24%.  Northern Nevada experience suggests that frequency of crashes and severity are unchanged by unwarranted signal installations.

13 What is the Process?

14  Access Management  Roundabout  Innovative intersection alternatives  Channelization  Movement restrictions

15 Questions? Thank you. Ismael Garza, P.E., PTOE NDOT Traffic Operations 775-888-7087


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