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Macbeth Test Preview 80 points 3 grades Thursday, December 18.

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1 Macbeth Test Preview 80 points 3 grades Thursday, December 18

2 Part I - Characters 20 matching List of all speaking characters + Shakespeare + James I Study Dramatis Personae 20 short descriptions of characters “loyal assistant to Macbeth, he gets it in the forehead when he tries to prevent fleeing castle dwellers in film”

3 Part II - Quotes 6 quotes given/ Choose 4 Identify each by Act, Scene, Speaker, and Meaning/Significance 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 5 pts. Each; 20 total Try for partial credit All quotes significant and/or famous Sources for quotes: Outline, review sheet, class discussion

4 Part III – Definitions/identifications 10 / 2 pts. each Introductory notes + “vocabulary” that allows one to be conversant in Shakespeare Blank verse, comic relief, soliloquy, etc.

5 Essay 20 points (points given for on-time delivery, clarity, and effort/depth of thought) 18-20 A; 16-17 B; 14-15 C; etc. Essay will be written at home Quotes for support General topic: Macbeth as a worthwhile read for you and as an example of the genre of tragedy.

6 Terms Aside, blank verse, bull and bear baiting, Chronicles of Eng., Scotland, Ireland, comic relief, Dramatis Personae, foot, the Globe, Guy Fawkes, Raphael Hollingshead, James I, James Burbage, iamb, iambic pentameter, origin of plot of Macbeth + the actual history, pentameter, Puritans, Soliloquy, success of Macbeth thru the centuries, the Theater, tragedy, tragic flaw, tragic hero, “the wooden O”

7 Characters in Macbeth Shakespeare, James I, Duncan, Malcolm, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, MacDuff, Banquo, Messenger, Donalbain, Fleance, Lady MacDuff, 3 witches, Lennox, Ross, Siward, Hecate, Porter, Doctor, Young Siward, 3 apparitions, Seyton, MacDuff’s son

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