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MANDATOS Commands in the Ud./Uds. Form Both affirmative and negative.

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1 MANDATOS Commands in the Ud./Uds. Form Both affirmative and negative

2 LOS REGULARES Similar to the Informal (tú) commands, we’ll start with the present tense. Formal (Ud.) commands: Use the present tense “Yo” form and change the ending.

3 Present “Yo” form Present tense Yo form and change the “o” to the “opposite vowel of the infinitive” -ar  e -er  a -ir  a Infinitive  Present  Ud Command Cortar  Corto  Corte! Comer  Como  Coma! Vivir  Vivo  Viva! *What does this remind you of?

4 *Ud. Commands are conjugated just like negative tú, but drop the ‘s’!! As with the Tú commands, whatever changes are in the present tense (boots) must stay in the Command/Mandato. pensar  piensa  piense! dormir  duerme  duerma!

5 Pretend irregulares This is where the “yo” form will come in useful. **Changes in the Yo form (yo-go, c-zc, g-j) MUST stay. (notice the opposite vowel still in effect) Hacer  hago  haga! Seguir  sigo  siga! Conocer  conozco  conozca! Recoger  recojo  recoja!

6 Pretend irregulares Other yo-go ------ go  ga! Venir  venga!Tener  tenga! Decir  diga!Poner  ponga! Traer  traiga!Oír  oiga! Decir  diga!Salir  salga! Seguir  siga! Conseguir  consiga!

7 Sound/spelling ‘irregulares’ Recuerde! The sounds of some verbs become an issue and letters change…. jugar  juega  juege?  juegue! tocar  toca  toce?  toque! empezar  empieza  empieze?  empiece! *notice the boot change in effect.

8 COMPLETAMENTE IRREGULAR Saber  sepa Ser  sea Ir  vaya Haber  haya Ver  vea Dar  dé Estar  esté

9 Making Ud.  Uds. Simply take the Usted form of the command and add an “n” to make it plural, just as you would a normal present tense verb. PresenteMandato -----|-----Ud.  Uds. -----|----- Coma!  Coman! Come | Comen

10 Making Affirmative  Negative Unlike like the Tú commands, Ud/Uds commands can become negative by simply adding a “no” before the command. AffirmativoNegativo ¡Abra!¡No abra!

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